Chapter 13: Coffee with Friends

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Despite being fifteen minutes late, I was apparently the first to arrive at the coffee shop. I looked around the tiny, hole-in-the-wall cafe and quickly assessed that neither Zola nor Sunita were waiting for me.

The Coffee Shop, as it was known to all the locals, had a charming antique vibe, with lots of dark wood and deep red colors. Heavy wooden tables and chairs ran all along the length of the left wall and they were usually full, except during warmer weather when people opted to sit outside at the tables located in the square. There was a small counter towards the right where the baristas and cashiers stood, taking orders. Behind them was a tall shelf, full of vintage coffee makers, and various antiques. It always smelled so amazing here, no matter the season. I loved this place because they also brewed really good iced tea in the summer. I lingered at the front door, glancing out the window as I pulled out my phone.

Me: At the café, where are you?

Zola: Still on the train! Be there in 10 mins.

Me: Okie Dokie.

"Hey, Diana!"

A surge of lust knocked into me and I felt ill. I knew who it was without even turning around.

"How's it going?" Len asked, sounding even closer. I still had my back to him as I began typing frantically, hoping it would quicken Zola and Sunita's arrival.

Me: Oh god it's Len, get here fast.

I was bracing myself mentally when Lenard reached out to touch my shoulder. Touch only amplified my powers and I could feel his desire wash over me. I turned quickly, tossing my shoulder as I did so to dislodge his hand. I'm sure my smile was more of a grimace but Len didn't seem to notice. I was honestly surprised to see him since he would usually mooch the coffee from his parent's small cafe in the corner of their market rather than pay for it. Len beamed down at me as he pushed back his mop of curly brown hair. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a faded band t-shirt over a long-sleeve thermal, standard Lenard apparel.

"Hey Len, it's going fine," I finally responded, glancing briefly at him. I looked down at my phone to see a response from Zola, she was telling me they would be there ASAP.

"I haven't seen you in the store in ages, what's up?" Len asked, moving in far too close for my comfort. I didn't want to confess that after our disastrous first and only date, I had figured out his schedule at the market to avoid him. I casually attempted to look for an escape path but Lenard was blocking the only exit so I had nowhere to go. At least not without knocking him over in the process, and boy was that idea tempting.

"Oh, you know, school. Busy busy," I chirped, trying to sound polite. Len himself was out of high school so he spent most of his time working at the market while taking courses at the local community college in the city.

"That's right, senior year huh? Hey, can I buy you a cup of coffee? We can hang out," Len suggested.

"I am actually waiting for someone so..." I mumbled, trailing off.

"Well, you can wait with me until they come," Len insisted.

In my head, a million excuses began flying around. I got mad at myself. Tell him the truth, Diana! "I don't-"

"When are you going to let me take you on another date?" Len declared, inching even closer. I took a step away from him, hoping he would pick up on the hint. His proximity to me and the emotions I felt coming from him unnerved me and I felt myself stumbling for the words to tell him to get lost. I was cursing my hesitation yet again when a voice broke through the crowd.

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