Chapter 17: Please Explain

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I was running down the hallway of the school, my heart racing, and breathing erratic. Mr. Burke was behind me, I could hear his voice echoing against the walls. I felt cold and tired, every inch of my body ached. Part of me knew this was just another dream, but how could I be sure? I was having trouble separating my dreams from real life. The halls appeared to stretch on forever and I couldn't seem to catch my breath.

"Ms. Massey," he growled. His footsteps were slow and steady and yet I couldn't outrun him. I turned my head to glance over my shoulder only to find the Burke monster directly behind me, hands outstretched, eyes glowing red. I screamed and fell to the ground, throwing my arms up to defend myself.

Without warning a glowing sword impaled the monster causing the creature to stop. The demon exploded into a shower of black ash which floated delicately to the ground. Behind the monster stood Casimir, still holding out his sword. The young man wore an exquisite suit of golden armor that seemed to glow like the sun. Even though I felt no wind, his cape billowed out around him, along with his hair which flowed free from his ponytail.


The young man looked down at me as if he had just noticed my presence. His angry stare softened and he lowered his sword arm, letting the tip fall to the floor. Black ash from the slain monster was still in the air as Casimir opened his mouth to speak. Every word sounded like gibberish and I strained to understand what he was trying to tell me. A large fleck of ash landed on Casimir's shoulder and I saw him grimace in pain. From that spot a crack appeared, slowly running down his arm. The cracks grew bigger and bigger causing the golden color of Casimir's armor to fall off. Under the beautiful gold, the layer was a deep black beneath. Casimir stumbled backward as he clutched at the falling gold from his armor. The brightly glowing sword clattered to the floor. The light from the weapon began to pulse and fade. I could feel his fear and I wanted to help. I reached out my arm to grab at his hand and Casimir looked down at me in distress.

A mysterious wind rushed past me, pulling us apart. I cried out as the ash blew into my face, afraid of what it might do if it touched me. I felt a hand grip my wrist tightly and I opened my eyes to find a different man in front of me. He looked similar to Casimir, only with sharper angles to his face, a larger build to his body, and much longer hair. As I took in his appearance I knew this man was not a stranger, but a frequent player in one of my most hated dreams. This was the man crying in the dream where I died. He was wearing the same armor as Casimir, only pitch black. He pulled me forward, his lips pressed against the side of my face and I shivered. I heard him whisper something in my ear.


My eyes flew open. I was laying on the couch in my living room, my grandfather hovering over me. I could still smell the lingering scent of lavender in the air. As I took in my surroundings I felt the familiar sting of pain pulsing in my wrists, knees, and around my ankles. I sat up and inspected my body now covered in bruises. My new dress was dirty and torn in a few places. I felt terrible. I looked over at my grandfather, his face full of worry. Casimir was lurking in the shadow of the hallway as if he was afraid to approach any further.

"So, it wasn't a dream then?" I said hoarsely. I coughed and my grandfather quickly handed me a glass of water. I took it hesitantly, wondering how to phrase my next set of questions but it was my grandfather who spoke first.

"How are you feeling?"

I couldn't keep the incredulous look off of my face when he asked me that. I stole a quick glance at Casimir to see his reaction. He just looked embarrassed, nervously wrapping his arms around himself. My focus returned to my adopted grandfather, whose feelings were faint to me, but I knew they were wracked with dread.

Fragmented DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora