Chapter 15: My Hero

Start from the beginning

And that includes... her.
"So... you're finally going to see her again after all of this time, huh?"

His eyes widen at the mere mention of her.
"Yeah... yeah, you're right. I can't wait to see her again... it's been way too long."

You know, I highly doubt this girl is just an 'old friend' She seems really important to him even though they've been broken off for several years at this point. What exactly have these two been through, exactly, that causes him to still think about her as a precious memory after all this time?

Haha!— if I didn't know any better, I'd think I was jealous or something.

But as I jokingly remark that in my mind, my mood becomes slightly more bitter... even more so than just a few moments ago.

Suddenly, he speaks up.
"Can I ask you a question?"

I snap out of my intrusive thoughts, trying to pay attention to what he is about to say.

"Why do you want to come with me? I'm really glad that you want to, but my life back home is... complicated, to say the least. My friends and I, we attract dangerous people. Father and I have told you of the horrifying events that transpired in our country all those years ago.

I just so happen to be friends with the two people who managed to prevent all that. Us three, we're targets... it's only a matter of time before the League tries to attack us again. I don't control the choices you make, but I don't want you to get in harm's way because of something you weren't even a part of.

My friends and I are involved with some of the most dangerous people on the planet. Life with me is going to be more than hell. I'm sure you can live a happier life if you were to stay here, so let me ask you one, last time... and think hard about it because I'm going to ask you, and you personally.

Do you really want to come with me, Amelia Reinhart?"

As he reiterates how dangerous his life is and how I'll become a target if I go with him, I lament on the image on the temple walls I saw all those years ago. I don't believe it for a second... Just seeing the amount of time he spends honing his powers and getting stronger means something. I know he'll survive; I know he'll pull through. If not, then I won't allow it to happen.

I'll personally get stronger, so I can stand there with him side-by-side. Me, and all of his friends... we aren't just going to let him die so easily.

My answer is clear... I'm not going back.
"This place isn't my home. If it weren't for you, I would've wanted to leave as soon as possible, and now that you're leaving I want to leave, too. I've already told you that you're the most important person in my life, and that isn't going to change. So don't tell me that I can live a happier life by staying here because, in all honesty, you're the reason I'm living my life happily in the first place.

I'll follow you anywhere. No matter where you go, I want to be with you."

I've never felt so strongly about anyone before, and that's clear. He gives me a smile, and stands up. I follow soon after, and we're now standing together, face-to-face as the sun's bright light begins to fade.

As l gaze up at him, he extends his arm forward.
"Then it's going to be goodbye — for now, at least."

I take hold of his hand, shaking it. He receives a text, prompting him to pull out his phone. As he reads the text, he sighs. I think our conversation is going to be cut short for now.

"Well, that's all I really have time for, unless you have something else you want to say?"

I struggle to come up with an excuse for him to stay a little while longer.

Rainfall Chronicles: Amelia ReinhartWhere stories live. Discover now