When Indilwen's thoughts turned to Aragorn, she ached to find him again, whether she acknowledged that or not, and her heart led her towards it. She loosened her grip on the reigns and patted Nostarion on the neck. "Lead on." Indilwen whispered with a smile.
Their course changed and she wandered without thought of her destination or purpose. Nostarion led them freely into the wilderness, sticking close to the Misty Mountains. Indilwen's confidence grew as they traveled south; something simply felt right.

Weeks passed. The horse and rider kept a steady course, and darkness grew. It was found in the ash falling from the clouds, the smell of smoke across the plains and groaning trees lamenting in their dying forests. Indilwen found herself growing closer to Isengard, which she only realized as the sky turned to a dull gray and the mountains' weather turned more violent. Some dark power was growing in Isengard and Indilwen feared for the wizard who occupied the tower. The North-South road led them to the Gap of Rohan, where Indilwen gazed as far as she could see and was met with rolling hills of dusty tan.

The land of the horse-men was a long stretch of dry grass occupied by thatched houses, horses and simple people. Indilwen relished in the wind blowing through her hair and the fresh taste of earth that it carried. Her forest green eyes were a bright contrast to the barren sea of plains. Nostarion shuffled back and forth as they peered over the land and at a sudden wind gust, he reared back. Indilwen held him steady and calmed him in Elvish. She was unsure of what he was frightened of, until an acrid, metallic and putrid smell reached her nose. Indilwen scrunched up her eyes and recoiled slightly.

That smell had been forever imprinted on Indilwen's senses; rotting, burning flesh. Memories were awoken by the first hint of those fumes: orcs.
"Stay on your guard," she told her steed. Indilwen was wary of her surroundings as they advanced into Rohan territory. Orcs should not be seen in these lands, much less burning. If smoke was rising from Isengard and orcs were present in peaceful lands, Indilwen feared that her meeting with the Hobbits and Strider would have another role in her story. The powerful tool the young Frodo Baggins possessed must be connected to the growing darkness that overshadowed many lands. The Nazgûl did not chase after Hobbits for entertainment...

Indilwen realized with a sickening lurch in her stomach. Sauron's servants had not reappeared for ages, but when they did, it was for the hunt of one item: the one ring.
She suddenly kicked Nostarion onward and they raced across the plains with unmatched speed. Her hood flew off her face and her hair rippled like waves of flame. The long sleeves of her robe flew out behind her and Indilwen appeared like streaks of flying colors. Nostarion rode swiftly and delighted in the free range. They travelled with a purpose now: to discover the source of evil that had entered Isengard and Rohan.

The stench of smoke grew stronger as they neared Isengard, and Indilwen slowed her pace to be on the lookout for any threat. Nostarion was tense and nervous in his trot, and his rider's hand was always hovering over her sword. They met no adversary and continued until the festering ash and burnt pine became the only scent surrounding them. The plains had turned into sparse trees, but Indilwen blended into the foliage. Isengard should be close- or so she thought.

The tree line stopped quite suddenly. Indilwen and Nostarion broke into the open and were frozen to the earth at the sight before them. Trees were torn down and uprooted everywhere. Where the forest should have continued, there was parched earth and burnt logs. There were roaring fires in the earth surrounding the massive, dark tower of Isengard. Clanging, howling and horrid sounds of every kind filled the air. Orcs roamed every part of the land, cutting down trees, crafting weapons, fueling furnaces to spread their evil.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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