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Back to the longer chapters :)

Also, please forgive me for the end of this chapter T_T.


Thunder bombarded the atmosphere outside, the freezing rain pummeling onto the ground. A perfect atmosphere to reflect the inner feeling Dazai was experiencing. He'd never been sober, and this aggravated to act rashly like this. To agree to meet Fyodor at a bar while he was like this, was rash. Dazai stepped inside, spotting the Russian, he stormed over having to hold back the current need to throw a heavy punch across the man's face. "You seem upset, Dazai."

That pissed him off more. "Oh do I? I didn't fucking notice. What the fuck do you think you're doing, Fyodor?" The amusement was clear in the Russian's eyes but Dazai ignored it. He came here to get his anger through, so he'd do just that.

"Ah, so that's it then? I did try to tell you to be a bit quicker with your advancements, did I not? You were too slow." Fyodor chuckled, sipping his drink without any remorse.

"You sick bastard."

"Oh, you needn't stay so tightly upset. I don't plan to keep him from you for too long. Though you may have to build from scratch again. Depends if you can sit it out until I grow bored or ruin your relationship with him to try and pull him back." The cruel smirk over Fyodor's lips said all he didn't say. He already won. He already had the ginger wrapped up in his lies. He'd already begun to dig holes in their relationship.

Dazai slams a glass over the other male's head. "If murder wasn't fucking illegal, I'd have aimed for your throat, you sick bitch." Dazai held his head high, holding himself with the grace one would expect from a wealthy man who had paid off his crimes with money. The shadow over his face gave his eyes a red tint, he truly looked like the nickname the kids in high school called him. The demon prodigy, cruel and heartless. Except now his furry and distaste mixed in with that glimmer. He turned around storming out before security could get involved. Fyodor could only snicker with amusement.


The next time he saw Chuuya, Dazai could only try to explain Fyodor's intentions. However, Chuuya wrote him off. "Chuuya, I'm being sincere here. Fyodor's a worse jerk than I am! He's never cared for a single person in his life, he's using you for entertainment. He said so himself yesterday."

Chuuya turned away from the dishes he was busy attending to with a heavy glare. "You say this as if you've ever cared for anybody besides yourself." Dazai was taken aback, his mouth gaping as he looked to the side.

"Wow, that was snippety. If you've forgotten, I do have people I care for. The kids, and then there's Oda and..." he almost said "you", but shut himself down before he could continue.

"I don't hear my name up on that list, Dazai."

Dazai wanted to say right then that he did care. That he cared so much that he was desperate to pry Chuuya from Fyodor's game. The words stayed stuck in his throat as Chuuya slid the last plate into the cupboard and walked off to his room. Dazai reached his hand up as if to grab him from behind, but watched that hand fall back to his side. "Damn it."


Chuuya sat on his bed before flopping onto his back and staring at the ceiling. His mind wandered throughout the past few months. He wanted to go back and apologize to Dazai, but Fyodor's words, so similar to how Dazai described Fyodor, rang in his mind. "He's no good." even now, Chuuya didn't believe that. Dazai had this soft side he'd recently had the pleasure of seeing more often, but then... he suddenly got distant. These reflections seemed to lead him to recall the conversation he had with Fyodor before the Karaoke night.

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