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With every rustle of the leaves, a brisk wind passed over, chilling the humidity to be bearable for a moment. Yokohama tended to have warm summers, even towards the end there were days when the humidity stung. It could be cold enough for a hoodie in the early morning, but far too humid for one in the later afternoon, right before it cooled down again. The signs that lead into the sweet release of the cool fall season.

"You know, I said I was helping, not doing most of the work here." Oda, a male with slight stubble and brown, slightly red hair grumbled. His eyes looked back to another male, arms wrapped in bandages, and eyes drained of any emotion. The smallest cardboard box within his hands as he snickered.

The boy was Dazai Osamu, an 18-year-old who'd pushed through hell to make it here. Despite not wanting to go to college and instead be a basement dump until he died, he stuck his tongue out.

Within that exact second, Dazai's eyes filled with life, something that he could do on command, a mask of sorts. "But Odasaku, I can't carry all the heavy boxes!" the childish whine Dazai produced towards his cousin scraped within the poor adult's ears.

"If you ate anything besides ramen and take-out, you might be more than skin and bones," Oda grumbled. Setting the final box down in the dorm room. So far there hadn't been a sign of whoever Dazai's roommate was to be. Oda prayed for the unfortunate soul who had to deal with the brunette.

"I don't only eat ramen! I ate vegetables just yesterday!" Dazai crossed his arms, laying his finger over his bandages.

"The 'vegetables'- Oda moved his hands to form air quotes around vegetables - in those 10-minute self serve ramen packets don't actually count.'' Frowning Dazai pouted, acting like a child once again. It was something Oda had never minded considering his cousin had never had a real childhood.

Before he could make another whiny remark, the door to the dorm opened.


Stepping from a rather expensive-looking car, a ginger-haired male stepped outside into the warmth of the closing summer. His hair, longer on one side than the other, rested neatly over his shoulder. His feminine-like frame caused him to stand out a bit more than he'd like. Though, it was natural for a model to stand out in the crowd. Not that he modeled too often, it had been a pastime after moving in his third year to Yokohama. He'd done it with his older sister a handful of times before then, but she'd left for London just before they moved.

Grabbing one of the cases, he glanced at his father, who was getting out of the car. "Dad, I can handle this myself, you really don't have to help me." The petite male mumbled slightly embarrassed. Though, his words were the truth considering his strength was out of the ordinary for his size.

"Nonsense Chuuya, let you old man at least have this." The boy's father, a male who kept his locks of raven hair down to his waist in length, shivered as he spoke.

Chuuya sighed, handing his father a few smaller boxes as he grabbed several of the larger boxes. "How's Ane-San been?" Chuuya hadn't been able to call her with how busy he'd been the last month, he suspected his father, with how protective he was, had to have called at least once.

"Ah, Koyo has been doing alright. Both she and Yosano (Koyo's fiance) plan on coming down for Christmas." Rimbaud smiled lightly as he spoke. Chuuya's lips also turned into a smile hearing that he'd finally met his older sister's fiance. The two of them had been engaged since she'd graduated from college two years ago, and had been together for 5 years before that. "So when will you be attempting dating again? I do miss that boy... it was Shirace right?"

As his father mentioned the boy's name, Chuuya's stomach tightened and his heart picked up before he calmed himself. The two of them were cities apart, he'd never see that boy again. Shaking off the thoughts that had flashed within his mind, he smiled. "It wasn't meant to be dad. Regarding another boyfriend, I don't know. I know Ane-San dated a lot, I'm just not sure I want to get back into dating yet." Chuuya shrugged as they came up to his assigned dorm. Grabbing the handle, he twisted it and opened it, coming face to face with his roommate looking like he was about to start a childish bicker with whoever that was.

"Hey..." Chuuya's attempt at speaking was completely suffocated when Dazai turned to look at his roommate. God, he was more than just good-looking. Sure Dazai was on the frail and thin-looking side, but he still looked perfect. The shape of his jaw, to the depth of the brunette's coffee-colored eyes, all added to his looks. That was also looking past the males' ideal height. He was positive, the brunette noticed he was being checked out.

"He's so... so short." Dazai snickered as he looked Chuuya up and down. His eyes glanced all around looking for little things to poke fun at. At least, that's what he was saying he was doing. There was no way he was checking Chuuya out. Sure, he did resemble a girl, at least a little bit. His eyes were a replica of the clear ocean. The way his hair curled around his face, the small freckles that stood against his pale complexion... were all attractive.

At least, it had been until the male's brow twitched and his hands balled into fists. "I'm still growing!" he hissed almost like an angry child. Rimbaud sighed, tapping his son's shoulder.

Oda looked to him apologetically before turning to Dazai. "That's the first thing you can say? Not, hey or hello?" Dazai shrugged, walking to his room with a yawn.

"Eh, I'm tired, I wasn't thinking of being polite. Plus, when am I ever polite?" Dazai smirked, leaning his head back as he shoved his hands into his back pockets. Sadly, his statement was nothing less than honest. He was never polite. If he wanted something, he was upfront about it. How else would he have such a long list of girls' hearts he'd shattered?

Chuuya rolled his eyes before moving the rest of his boxes into the dorm.

Chuuya took an hour to get everything from the boxes and his suitcase into his closet and drawers. His secret box, which he'd made sure to carry in, was still packed tightly, but that was because he was figuring what to do with it. Luckily, his closet had the perfect space for bottles. Unlucky to him that space was out of his reach. Hissing to himself, he looked around before grabbing the footrest to one of the chairs. When he finished organizing and making sure every drawer was labeled with what should be put inside, he glanced around.

His roommate had yet to unpack anything from his boxes. Not that there seemed to be many boxes to begin with. In fact, they were all labeled, one box of clothes, another labeled self-car, and a third labeled bandages. That had been something he noticed about his roommate. Rolling his eyes, Chuuya moved to knock on his roommate's door. The response he got was grumbled and inaudible. "Are you going to unpack?" there still came no response, so he figured his roommate was simply sleeping after a long trip or something. Shrugging it off, Chuuya walked into his room, directly next to dazai's with a very thin wall separating them. Pulling out a sketchbook and some pencils, he put on some music and began sketching some art designs.

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