A Perfect Day

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Y'all guess what I found T_T STORY NOTES! I searched and found the right notebook finally! (Okay, to be fair, I found it sometime in September, but it took a bit to get some motivation to write and then figure out where da fook I was in my plot notes- So, to apologize enjoy some innocent fluff ))


Days had passed since Chuuya had acted out and helped Dazai convince Oda to adopt the children that were close to Dazai.

The winter wind brushed against their faces as Dazai attempted to use an app for a cab ride to Oda's place. Today he was going to bring Chuuya along to meet the kids as he'd promised. Every card he had was being denied, even his PayPal, which should have some money on it, didn't have enough.

Observing Dazai's trouble, Chuuya pulled his phone in and sent a short text to somebody. "Don't bother, I took care of it, just tell the driver the address we're headed to when he gets here." Dazai glanced at Chuuya about to retort but instead felt consumed by an awkward sensation eating his gut. His eyes glanced to meet the small male's eyes but every time he did, he'd look away before the other noticed. What was with him today? Perhaps he was curious why Chuuya kept tugging his several layers of coats closer to himself. It wasn't unusual to see the smaller male covered in layers, he'd gotten used to the way the ginger dresses in winter.

The car that pulled up was no less than a statement that spoke of money. The driver exited the car before opening it. Chuuya smiled, thanking the driver before sliding into the backseat. Dazai followed, it's not like he's never been inside expensive cars before. This was different in some way, he just couldn't place his finger on it yet. The sound of slush under the tires became the only surrounding sound for the drive, curious Chuuya glanced over. "You're freaking me out, I don't think I've ever heard you be silent."

Dazai tilted his head with a shrug as he leaned back in the seat. "Eh, I was just thinking about how ridiculous you look." Chuuya clicked his tongue, puffing his cheeks out.

"Here I thought you would be serious for a moment." Dazai cocked a smirk at Chuuya's remark. Once again sitting in silence, Chuuya pulled his phone out and began looking through social media. Dazai watched his screen from the corner of his eyes. His feed seemed to be a lot, and when he said a lot, he meant so far he'd seen one or two items that weren't related to makeup, and male models. Dazai glanced away pulling out his phone to play a game or watch videos, doing something before he died of boredom.

The ride took around forty-five minutes to complete, but when it finished, the driver held the door of the car open for them again. Both males slid out of the car. Dazai straightened out his clothes before walking up to the house. His heart was racing. Was he sweating in the freezing weather? Shaking his head mentally, he knocked and waited. The door opened to what appeared to be Oda, but a very tired Oda. "They're in the..." Oda trailed out looking behind Dazai. The male in question waved before Oda's eyes rested on Dazai, who tilted his head and made an O with his mouth.

"Sorry, I didn't mention he was coming." Oda shrugged the initial shock off before stepping aside.

"No, it's no problem Dazai. The kids are in the living room. I was about to start lunch if you wanted anything, ah does our guest have any allergies?" Dazai shook his head, he paid a bit more attention to Chuuya than he liked to admit sometimes.

They removed their coats and shoes before moving to the living room. When Dazai's eyes settled on the children, they became less heavy. They opened more and his lips stopped pushing together in a frown. They lifted into the tiniest smile. He dropped to his knees, opening his arms as the two ran into them. "Dazai-san!" the boy who shouted first looked to be the older of the two. His eyes were a golden color, his hair a strange white shade. Meanwhile, the girl stayed silent. Her hair was long and black, alongside a sadder, less attentive aura about her.

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