A devastating call

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Note: Hi, so I feel the need to bow down and apologize profusely for the wait! This chapter is also incomplete (and may be changed later), but I decided to push something out for y'all who have been patient with me while I move! I am sorry to say this chapter is all I can do within the next 15-20 days as I await my journal which I idiotically packed within a box (which is on a moving truck, which will not be here for at most 20 days). My notes for the story detailed by chapter and event are there. There was more to this chapter but I simply do not remember it. Don't worry when my things arrive I shall remember to add it to the next chapter!

Without further delay, Enjoy!


Every kindness has an opposite just as every moment of joy has an opposite. There are never straight paths that follow one road of a set. Each road of life has an up and a down, with the occasional neutral zone; a day of indifference where nothing good nor bad happens. Today was not one of them. As the sky remained calm and quiet the brunette would sit in the living room with his roommate just an earshot away as he took a call. A devastating call.


The day had started out nicely. Neither of them had class today so Dazai being Dazai made plans to sleep throughout the entire day. Only a certain ginger had other plans for his roommate. Having woken up at the crack of dawn, Chuuya made both himself and Dazai a serving of French toast and a side of bacon. They were on okay terms and for now, that was all that seemed to matter. The two friends slowly bonding over TV and studying.

It wasn't until noon when Dazai's phone began to buzz. Figuring it wasn't important Dazai ignored the call and focused on lunch, which had also been made by his roommate. They didn't talk much throughout the day but sat in each other's company. It seemed rather soothing but neither would admit they didn't mind the other's company, not in a million years.

Growing annoyed by the constant buzzing of his roommate's phone, Chuuya jumped from his place at the table and rushed to yank his roommate's phone from its charging place. He quickly hit the answer button with a grumbled "Dazai's phone, Chuuya speaking."

The voice that came after him was another male voice but his voice was rushed, almost panicky. "Please hand me over to Dazai."

Chuuya didn't need to be told twice and eagerly handed the phone to Dazai, who glared, followed by a sigh. "Who is it?"

Chuuya glanced at Dazai here and there trying not to be nosy. That was until Dazai's expression went from its usual anticlimactic expressions to one far too exaggerated. There was a certain fear in the dead chestnut-colored eyes Chuuya had never seen before. Then his roommate spoke up as if he'd already collected himself. "When did this happen? Oda, tell me you're going to be told the new location right?" Chuuya's ears perked up at the desperation that cracked his roommate's voice. Never had he expected Dazai to fall into such a frail expression.

Dazai shook his head as he leaned back at the ceiling. "Then you'll adopt them right?" Chuuya tilted his head self-consciously before realizing.

He may not be the brightest barrel in the bucket but he knew Dazai worked for an orphanage part-time and there were two kids whom he was extraordinarily close to. He didn't know much about them but the night Chuuya first began to realize how Dazai may not be that bad of a person, that stormy night, he'd been talking to one of those orphans. Chuuya listened to Dazai plead with Oda until it seemed he was going to give up.

Once more he seemed to act without a thought in his mind. His hand easily snatched Dazai's phone from his pale hands. He fiddled for a bit before he could finally speak up. "If there is any chance you could do this for him he'd appreciate it. I don't think I've ever seen Dazai be kind or gentle to anybody else." His cheeks felt like they were going to light a fire. He couldn't understand why he was so embarrassed to be complimenting or even why he was embarrassed in the first place. He summed it up to nervousness for speaking up, nothing more. "Those orphans really help him have a bit of joy. He smiles occasionally when they're on the phone with him... losing them would be like losing family. If income to support them is a problem I can probably help out." Chuuya had an idea of how adoption worked, and how long the process could take. He'd gone through it at one point. "I think the two kids would also be ecstatic." Chuuya's lips turned into a smile as the man on the other side sighed.

"To hear this from the roommate I was sure would have his room re-assigned is a little reassuring." There was a brief pause before Oda's sigh could be heard from the other side. "Tell Dazai I said I'll see what I can do within a month." Chuuya nodded as the call came to a close.

An awkward silence passed the two for what could have been years. Dazai finally spoke up by clearing his throat. "So what did he say?"

"He'll try to see what he can do." Chuuya's voice cracked within lines as he began to fidget with his hands behind his back. "Can I meet them one day?"

With the smallest smile that went unnoticed by Chuuya, Dazai nodded. "Sure, as long as you don't mind being in a jungle gym since you're kinda short." Dazai's usual antics sprouted within no time causing Chuuya to whack him with a pillow.

"I'm still growing damn it!" With a snort, Dazai rolled his eyes.

"Sure you are."

Note: I know compared to previous chapters this one is a letdown but please bear with me.

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