Start of Something new

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Note: This is what I'd call a 'move along chapter'. It's meant to pass time while also moving relationships along, so there may be a few bland/boring moments.

I also greatly apologize for the 30+ day absence while I struggled with some mental health issues and other things in life.


Just as seasons progress through the year, relationships progress at steady rates. Whether that relationship progresses through positive or negative change it still moves on. With the case of two college kids, things appeared to be heading to a nicer approach than one would have expected. They had been so eager to be at one another's throats, so it was certainly a shock to see them not so far apart.

While the brunette, the taller one of the duo, would lean against a tree, a book in his hands. The ginger would sketch not far off but not close enough to have a conversation. The two often hid from the other thinking they went unnoticed. Neither one admitted to paying closer attention to the other. If they caught each other staring they'd send equal glares, like a children's fight, then turn and go in opposite directions. They each noticed new hobbies, new traits, even new likes, and dislikes.

For example, while Chuuya learned Dazai had a significantly strong sweet tooth, Dazai learned Chuuya had a calm to him that wasn't often shown. The two would learn from the distant behaviors, never admitting they were watching. The air continued to become colder, forcing Chuuya to sit inside a few days of the week. Those days when the silver-haired male and the pink-haired girl bothered Chuuya, Dazai would make them scramble away like sheep praying to a wolf. Sometimes he'd smirk at such a thought. The two were not as tough as they appeared to be. It was inquisitive as to why Chuuya allowed them to torture him.

Late after school, whilst Dazai was out, hanging with his friends, Chuuya sat sprawled across his bed. His hair lay in curlers, a mask over his face as Higuchi clipped and did his nails. "Alright Chu, what's on your mind?" Chuuya glanced down at her with a heavy sigh. The sound of rain pelting on the windows echoed within the brief silence that followed.

"I've had a really bad thought for a while," Chuuya grumbled as he internally cringed at the thoughts that followed.

"Your roommate?"

"Yeah, just, spare me this?" He glanced at Higuchi, who nodded her head for him to continue. "He's attractive, right? I'm not, you know, going crazy?" Higuchi could only laugh as she finished filling his last nail.

"He's definitely attractive. I hate to compare, but he's on your level of attractive. I mean the hair, the structure on his face." She fanned a hand over her face as she fell back onto the bed. "He's a walking portrait of perfection, except he's a walking dumpster fire."

Chuuya chuckled lightly as he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's a piece of work, but lately, not that I've been paying attention, he doesn't seem that bad." Higuchi groaned, sliding her hand down her face. She turned on her side to hit Chuuya in the chest with a hiss.

"Screw your muscles." She shook her hand before clearing her throat. "Okay number one, even if he did have some sort of good, which I doubt that Jack-ass does, it's so outweighed by his sins." She stuck her tongue out like she was disgusted. To further her point, she listed every stand-up, broken heart, tease gone too far, and a few more of the shitty things he's done. "Plus, I hate to say it, but he gives off some mixed signals. I don't mind that he's choosing to stay so reserved, but that boy needs to make his mind up. Is he straight or not?! I catch him staring, but then he's telling you very clearly he's straight."

Chuuya snickered, resting his head on his hands. "Alright, that is harsh. He might have some straight pressuring at home. I hear rumors about him, you know. Like, he's living with a cousin. You never know what goes on, I'm just saying he may not be that bad Higuchi!" Chuuya cringed at his own words knowing he sounded like an idiot.

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