"It's not weird. In Xadia, magic is pretty much everything," Rayla explained while sitting up and leaning on the edges of the boat. "It's no different from saying, 'everywhere you look, there's nature.' It's just part of the vibrance or spirit things, y'know?" She finished explaining, looking a lot more happier.

"I can't wait to see that. It sounds incredible," I said, my voice sounding a bit hoarse.

"Yeah. Yeah, it is" Rayla said with a smile on her face, still looking at the water.

"See, it's working, right? Don't you feel a little better?" Callum asks while getting a bit too close to Rayla.

I feel myself grab the edges of the boat, and then suddenly, I hear someone whisper in my ear, "Ixen."

I sit up confusily, causing both Rayla and Callum to look at me with worry in their eyes.

I look back at them and seeing Callum sitting so close to Rayla makes me furious.

I say the word, "Ixen." Right after I say it, a small fire appears in my hand. I let out a yelp before dipping my hand with the fire in it into the river. I let out an awkward chuckle, but Rayla, Callum and Ezran and even Bait stare at me.

I look away from them and that's when I noticed that we were about to go down a giant waterfall.

"Uhh guys, this might not be the best time to bring this up but, we're about to go down a waterfall!"

They all start panicking, but Rayla falls back down in the boat. "I admit it, I hate the water. I'm afraid of it. It makes me sick. All of the bad feelings," she yells out, while hugging the floor of the boat.

"It's too late, hang on!" Callum says and pulls Rayla up from the boat and into a seat. Callum and Ezran seemed to enjoy the ride, but Rayla on the other hand, seemed to hate traveling with them more, and more.

The whole ride down the waterfall, Callum tried to get closer to Rayla, which annoyed me surprisingly much. (Sorry about all the Callum hate fr fr the dude's a cinnamon roll and I love him.)

Anger fueled me more, and more but this time, I heard a different word being whispered in my ear. "Edar," was all I heard until Ezran looked at us with a worried face.

"Hey guys? Does anyone else see Bait?" Ezran asked, and we all immediately started looking around the boat until we heard a loud croak. In the water, floated Bait.

"Bait! Come back here! Do your froggy paddle!" Ezran yelled at Bait, who immediately started swimming towards us with his so called, froggy paddle.

When Bait was close enough, Ezran picked him up and hugged him tight. "You know you're not supposed to get in the water," Ezran said, while hugging the soaking wet, glow toad.

"Uh, Callum..." Rayla started, while looking at the cube thingy.

The Ocean Rune was glowing brightly. Callum picked the cube up and took a better look at it.
"Hey, Ocean Rune. I've never seen it light up before. Wait, why would the Ocean Rune be..." Callum started, but before he could even finish, a giant sea worm monster fish thing, launched us in the air.

Callum and Ezran landed in the water, but me and Rayla got lucky and landed on, well, land.

"Ah, sweet, solid land, we meet again" Rayla started kissing the land.

We then heard a roar, and saw Callum and Ezran swimming to the shore, but Bait was in trouble. The sea monster launched Bait in the air, causing him to land on it's eye.

The sea monster then took some kind of jump, and dove straight back into the water.

I looked at Rayla, giving her a 'we have to do something' look, but she completely misunderstood it and was about to go save Bait alone.

She was about to jump on a tree branch when I pushed her down. "Don't even think about it. You just said you were afraid of water, so stay here," I said, looking into her eyes. So, yes, basically I just said, 'Rayla, stay. Good Monshadow Elf.' (Yes I watch Lucifer and yes I used that from the episodes alright. I'm obsessed with these episodes, leave me alone 😭😭)

I jumped on the tree branch, where I took a big leap and jumped. I thought I'd end up in the water but surprisingly, I landed on a tree that was floating.

I saw the sea thing pass by and took my chance. The sea monster was about to eat Bait, but I landed on its head, pushing it away.

I ran from its head to its tail, and waited for the sea thing to launch me in the air. The sea thing finally launched me and Bait up in the air, but while I was in the air, the voice whispered yet again to me, "Shochraos."

I didn't know what it meant, but I grabbed Bait close to me and yelled out, "Shochraos!"

Right after I said that, a lighting shot out of my hand, hitting the sea monster, which retreated down into the water.

I swam back to shore and laid down on the grass, too tired to listen to the others talk. It was incredibly weird. I'm a great swimmer and I have lots of stamina so I don't really understand why I'm so tired. It felt like my energy had been drained. All this thinking made me even more tired and I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

*_-I Love You-_* (Rayla x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now