We both pulled away, looking at the dircetion the yells came from. That's when I realized it was Callum yelling, but it wasn't a 'Help, I'm getting attacked by an assassin' yell. It was more like a 'Help, I did something stupid' yell.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, earning a soft chuckle from Rayla.

"I bet he did something stupid," I said angrily.

"Isn't that the only thing he knows what to do?" Rayla answered with a smirk. I looked at her and smiled.

Then I gave her a small kiss on the cheek before running to the direction Callum was yelling.

"We really need more alone time, aye?" I winked at Rayla but she stood still, apparently having a bi/gay panic.

When I got to Callum, I saw something that I will never stop laughing at.

Soo, I maybe got lost while looking for flowers the same color as Rayla's eyes, so Rayla got there before me, but her hair, looked like it had been struck by lightning.

"You're kind of making a sizzling sound," Ezran carefully said, but Rayla ignored him.

"Sorry about that. I guess I'm just so excited to be learning magic, and I got a little carried away," Callum said.

"Okay, enough almost killing me or Y/n. The sooner we return this egg, the sooner, maybe, this war can end. It's time to hit the road." Rayla threw the crystal ball to Callum. Her motherly tone made me smile.

"Road? Why wear ourselves out walking on a road when we can let the river do the walking?" Callum asked.

"Nope. Say goodbye to the boat. We go by land from here," Rayla said rather calmly.

"But why? The river's going the right direction, and moves much faster than we ever could on foot. I mean, look at those legs," Callum says, while motioning towards Ezran.

"What? I have nice legs," Ezran says, completely unaware of what the converstation was about.

"We're walking. That's final." Rayla started walking away from us.

"Oh come on Rayla. Let's just take the boat." I slowly make my way to her. "Besides, I'll hold your hand if you get scared." I grab Rayla's hand and pull her closer to me. "Come on, please?"

Rayla let out a deep sigh. "Fine, we'll take the stupid boat!" Rayla let go of my hand and stomps towards the boat.

Time skip

Callum slowly rowed the boat while Ezran played with Bait. My leg had gotten worse, so I had to lay down. Rayla kept cuddling to me though.

"You doing alright?" Callum asked Rayla suspiciously.

"I'm doing great. I just love boats so much. That's why I'm down here," Rayla answers. "To be close to the boat," she finishes.

"Oh really? Not to be closer to me?" I whisper in her ear, earning a punch in the arm.

"Tell you what. I'm gonna ask you 5 questions," Callum says cheerfully.

"Please don't," Rayla's voice sounded as if she was about to throw up or something.

"Come on! It'll be a fun distraction, help take your mind off things," Callum continued.

Rayla sighed deeply. "5 questions, that's all you get."

"Okay, question one. We always heard all these crazy things about Xadia. Like, it was this place with just... magic everywhere. Is that really what it's like?" Callum asked.

"Yes. Next question." Rayla's straight or more like bi/gay-forwardness shocked me a bit. Wow. She sure is seasick or she's had enough of us.

"It must be so weird that everywhere you look there's magic," Callum said dreamily.

*_-I Love You-_* (Rayla x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now