"I don't know." Reese spoke the obvious. "This is my first time in someone else's head." She tilted her head toward the werewolf.

   Then, the two walked toward the door but when Scott passed it, it immediately closed it by itself. Leaving Reese alone, in this strange room.

   She began to knock on the door like crazy, calling him but nothing came out of this. So she stopped and turn around. The room had changed, the two beds had vanished, leaving place for two thick walls.

   She went by her first instinct and walked toward it.

   Everything changed, she was now in a random street, Stiles walking near her when he suddenly asked.

"Reese ?" he asked quietly, I nodded, now giving him my attention. "So, my question is 'are you afraid of dying?" he stared at me, waiting for my answer.

"It's not that i'm 'afraid' of dying, it's more the feeling of loosing someone that scare me. It's basicly one of the worst things that can happen to you" I said, looked at the dark skyline in front of me, I slowly turned my head toward Stiles' one to see him already staring at me. "So no, i'm not afraid of dying, i'm most afraid about my loving ones who is going to stay there, without me. Y'know, not a lot of people entered in my life like you did. And i know this sounds completly crazy because we don't know each other for long but I have this feelings about you. The one that say that i can trust you, and follow you wherever you go. And nobody cared as much as you of me except my father."

At this point a single tear rolled on my cheek as I watched him intensely, we approached slowly to each other, both fully aware of what was going to happen.

We were now inches to each other lips, neither of us was enough brave to crash them toghether. He muttered a little 'Fuck it' and crashed his lips on mines.

It was like a millionth of fireworks exploded in my stomach.

Their first kiss. Then the decor changed once again.

   Stiles was about to leave her house when he turned around and glared at her.

    "Goodbye Reese." He smiled sweetly, eyeing every little part of her.

   "I don't like goodbye's." She replied to him with a small smile. "Let's say it a goodnight because it is."

   "Well... goodnight Reese." He replied, grinning ears to ears.

   "Goodnight Stiles." She grinned back.

   It changed again.

   "Hey, Stiles look at me." She demanded. Slowly but surely, he raised his head to glare at her. "Trust me, it's gonna be okay."

    But then, all the memories became foggy, blurry, like every moments were happening at the same time.

   But, all the memories stopped when she was in an hallway, in school.

   What the hell?

   She was about to walk out when she heard somebody or more something writing on the board with loud noises.

   When the Valraven got closer, it suddenly turned his head and glared at her.

   It was like Reese was iced to the ground. She couldn't move anymore or even breath correctly. She was terrified.

   The bandaged face was about to take a grip on her when a loud voice yelled her name repeatedly.

   She moved out and ran toward the nearest door she could find.

   It's why she now found herself in the same white room with neon lights on the celling. Out of nowhere, Scott appeared, breathless.

   Without anything said, they approached the cut tree where two persons was playing the game of Go. They could distinct the nogitsune and Stiles.

   When they tried to run up at him but failed they stopped and tried to find another solution.

   "Stiles is a part of your pack, right?" Reese said out of breath.

   "What? What do you mean?"

   The Valraven cleared, as if it wasn't enough obvious to understand. "He's human. But he's still part of your pack, right?"

   Scott responded by a simple 'yeah' and began to growl until Stiles remarked the two and threw the game in the air.

   The three of them gasped as they woke up in an instant. Scott took a few steps back and Reese standing up from the couch to see a motionless Stiles.

   "Did it work?" Scott urgently asked them.

   "What happened?" Reese demanded, dumbfounded.

   "Why didn't it work?" Lydia asked from the back of the room.

   Instead of answering, Peter took her to the kitchen and talked to her, unable for everyone to hear.

   Suddenly, Stiles began to throw up some bandages from his mouth and an arm came out of the pile. Which was clearly disgusting.

   During when everyone was focusing on stopping the 'nogitsune', Reese felt a cold hand grasp her arm and put another on her mouth to keep her quiet.

It's how Reese was kidnapped by the real nogitsune while everybody was thinking the bandage face was him.

Without Warning  ✺  S.S Where stories live. Discover now