You're on your period

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{Ruki Mukami}

You're feeling very sleepy so you slept, as you were sleeping, Ruki came in your room, "(Y/N)..." He calls waking you up. You woke up and saw Ruki's beautiful face, "You're awake... You have a cut? You smell like... Fresh blood..."

You were very sleepy so you had to presses his word of blood. Ruki stared at you and you tried going back to sleep but blood. You shot up and Ruki saw how fast you were. "I smell like.... Blood... Ruki, that's so EMBARRASSING!"

Ruki lifted his eyesbrow then he smirked and added a little chuckle, "I see, period days huh~?" He teased and you blush. "Y-Yeah..." Ruki kissed your head then left and you let out a loud sigh.

{Kou Mukami}

"LITTLE MASO KITTY!!!!!!!" Kou called walking in your room, "What's gotten into you? You smell like fresh blood! Is it an emergency? Or... Hold on... You're on your period?"

You blinked then went under your cover, "Maybe..." You said blushing. Kou chuckled then he pulled your cover off, "No need to hide from me, I'm here for your pain." Kou said and you saw his bright smile that melted your heart which made you smile.

"Aren't you a dear~" you said sitting up. Kou came to you and hugged you, "Are you craving for anything? Are you sleepy? Are you energetic? Are you cramping?"

"I am craving for (whatever you want) and I'm also sleepy along with the cramps" you told him then he left.

Kou came back with (whatever you're craving for) and he patted your head, "I'll leave for you to sleep" with that, Kou left but you wanted him to stay so you pouted but then smiled. How could you deserve him? It's not like you had a choice to live with him and his brothers though-

{Yuma Mukami}

You were out helping Yuma with his garden then he stopped and looked at you, "What?" You asked. "You smell like blood. Tell me why." Yuma asked with a rough tone like always.

You blushed not thinking that he'd smell it then you stood up to walk away but Yuma grabbed your hand to stop you, "Answer me," he demanded and his voice sent shivers down your body for one, his voice is hot. And two, he's scary.

"Period days..." You whispered turning your gaze from him. Yuma smirked and pulled you down on your butt and he crawled on top of you, "You know what Imma do~?" You blushed harder and you tried to move him but he's like a bolder to you.

Yuma went to your leg and took some sniffs in your part and you pushed his head back, "You disgusting PERVERT!" you yelled.

"Disgusting? Perv? I'd never!" He said still smirking. You got up and ran in to your room.

Yup, believe it or not, Yuma is a tough pervert... The hot one.... Like any other along with Laito and Ayato, Ayato is a slight pervert tho, kinda. Ayato aims for a females chest at first glance.

{Azusa Mukami}

You're sitting on the balcony wanting tea. You're humming your favorite song then the cramp came. It was real pain you wish you'd never had but periods are periods.

You fell and you're leaning over the rail of the balcony, "Eve... Are you okay?..." You heard Azusa ask. You looked at him and forced a smile on, "Yes, I'm fine" Azusa came to you and he noticed your pain and your blood came to his nostrils, "Eve... Did you stab or slit or....even just cut yourself?" He asked.

"No... I'm on my..." You started to blush for you thought it was embarrassing to say, "Period...?" Azusa guessed and you nodded your head. "I'm sorry for your pain..." Azusa said hugging you.

You wanted to ask why if he gives you pain but he bit in your neck wanting blood now that he smells it. You winced but let him drink.

Azusa soon departed from you and he brought you to your bed to rest.

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