Chapter Forty-One

Start from the beginning

"That's the plan."

"And what's your plans beyond that?"

"So I guess when our girl's under their watch, I'll be flying right back to Baltimore. Got a seven PM flight this evening. My chief's pretty demanding about our time and schedules."

"Know the feeling."

Corey entered the freeway onramp and headed for Scottsdale's suburbs. Looking into the rearview mirror, he could see Henley's eyes were closed now and her head was leaning back against the seat. She seemed to be sleeping.

* * *

It was an emotional reunion when Mrs. Templeton, Henley's mother, greeted the three of them at the door of her home. Due to the secrecy of the return, Corey found the event amazingly quiet, and well planned, including the Arizona Sheriff's patrol cruiser parked across the street. Henley embraced her mother for a good long time while the two men looked on, holding back their own expressions of joy for the two.

"Well, I knew you'd be coming home in a day or two," Mrs. Templeton said excitedly. "But this is such a wonderful surprise," She wiped away tears with the back of her hand.

"Oh, mama. Come on now. Not in front of these gentlemen."

"I really don't have anything prepared for ya'll to eat," she said apologetically and more soberly.

Both men chimed in that it wasn't necessary. That they would be leaving, once communication with the officers outside was made.

"I'll be staying a day or so in town," Corey told the two women. "Once Henley is settled here and you have some time together, I'll come back tomorrow to get an official deposition from her. Then, in good time, she can get back to her former life."

"I hope it's that easy," Henley responded somewhat cryptically, for his benefit.

"And as for me," Officer Greely chimed in. "I'll just hitch a ride with you, Jeffers, back to the airport on the way to your hotel. If you can swing that."


At that point, the officer's phone rang, and he immediately opened it.

"Yeah . . . Great guys. We saw your vehicle. No prob. She's safe and sound inside now."

Corey looked over at Henley and nodded, signally things were going to be alright.

"That's affirmative," Greely concluded. "We're shifting the mission over to you guys. Now be sure to let your chief know my boss in Baltimore gives his regards. Just wish we had the weather you guys have out here." He laughed. "So, look. I'm putting you through to the primary investigator on the case. Lieutenant Jeffers from Las Vegas. He'll have some instructions for you, I'm sure."

He handed the phone over to Corey.

"Hello sheriff. I know you'll be hanging around here for a few days. Just be sure to allow no media interviews. And no visitors with the victim. Not until a deposition is made with her and the level of threat to her as a witness is low. I'll give you the progress on that. No one is allowed up to the house, and unfortunately, Miss Marlow cannot leave until things clear up."

He looked over at a disconsolate Henley, suddenly looking about to cry. Corey was silent a moment.

"However . . . there can be once exception to that . . ."

She looked back at him in anticipation.

"There is a . . . Miss . . . Jaylyn Coe, who will be allowed to visit the house over the next days and nights. She's been vetted my me, and for, let's say, emotional reasons, she'd be good for Miss Marlow's mental health. This young lady's been through a lot and could use the company of a good friend. Please check her identification. That's Jaelyn Coe, C, O, E, and stipulate she can only visit the house alone."

Corey could see Henley's face light up across the room.

"Otherwise, thanks for your help, guys. Chief Meyers over in Vegas will be in touch with you about when your assignment can end. Until then, we appreciate your help."

Corey handed the phone back to Greely and signaled they get moving to the airport, and Corey's hotel.

Henley surprisingly ran up and threw her arms around him. "That was so sweet of you, Lieutenant. I'm going to call Jae as soon as you leave."

He stepped back from her, a bit embarrassed, then reached out for Mrs. Templeton's hand.

"I'll be in touch with you both," he said while preparing to leave. "Henley? Midday tomorrow. Expect me back for that statement."

With that, the two men nodded once more to their tearful guest and headed out for Corey's car.

* * * 

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