Prue: I think Piper's gonna be in a groove-free kinda mode for a while. And Rose has her finals for the year coming up so she is not coming she is in her room studying before she most likely heads to the library

Phoebe: She's not seriously...

Prue: Taking a vacation from men, yep. Afraid of falling in love again, I think. And you know that how important these finals are to Rose

Phoebe: So, while we're partying all weekend, what is she gonna be doing, while Rose is studying

Prue: I don't know. The last time I checked she was in the attic searching for a suitcase to carry her books in.

Phoebe: Books, what kind of books?

Prue: Kind they make into Kevin Costner movies.

Phoebe: Oh, we've got to stop the insanity.

Prue: Maybe we should let her be, I mean we're not the ones who fell in love with a warlock, a ghost, a geographically undesirable handyman, and a very dorky grad student.

Phoebe: Maybe she's just in a slump. It happens. (Prue looks at her.) All right, it happens to Piper a lot, but celibacy is not the answer. And Rose fell for Leo's brother

Prue: A couple of dates not picking up the check, that's a slump. This is more like a sucking void. True Rose dd fall for Leo's brother Ryan but Rose is still seeing him well she is still talking to him

(They here a thump and a little scream coming from the attic.)

Piper: Rose, Prue Phoebe

(They go up into the attic and see Leo lying on the floor in pain with the arrow stuck in his shoulder.)

Prue: Leo?

Opening Credits

[Scene: Halliwell Manor. Prue is getting bandages and stuff out of the bathroom. Cut to the attic. Phoebe and Piper are carrying Leo to a chair.]

Piper: Be careful.

Phoebe: I am being careful.

Piper: I can't believe you knew. The fact that our handyman, the man I was dating was supernatural, just happen to slip your mind.

Phoebe: There was no slipping, okay, I told you but you didn't want to believe me. And Rose knew too

Leo: Piper, I wanted...

Piper: But you didn't.

Phoebe: Okay, we gotta, we gotta get your legs up.

Leo: Don't worry about me. There's someone, ahh ...!

Rose: Leo where is Ryan?

Leo: He orbed me here he's watching over someone

Phoebe: We have to get the arrow out.

Leo: No, don't touch it, it's tipped with poison.

Phoebe: How are we suppose to get it out if we can't touch it?

(Prue enters the attic.)

Prue: You came to the right girl. You ready? (Prue uses her powers to push the arrow out.) Okay, I brought everything that I could find, I just didn't know what to use on a... What is he again?

Piper: A Whitelighter.

Phoebe: Yeah, they're sorta like... You know how Peter Pan has Tinkerbell? They're sorta like that, minus the tutu and the wings. He guides witches.

Leo: And future Whitelighters. That's why I came to you.

Rose: I'm half whitelighter my father is or was a Whitelighter

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