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Piper's maid of Honor dress

Its almost time for Primrose's wedding day with her sisters by her side Rose and James have an amazing wedding day.

Another filler Episode

Its the night before the wedding and Rose is in the Attic with Prue and Piper they are about to try Rose's spell to summon their Grandmother they have everything set up for the spell

Prue: Okay ready?

Rose: To see Grams I am more then ready

Piper smiles at her baby sister

Piper: Let's say the spell then

Prue Piper and Rose: Here these words Hear my cry, spirits from the other side come to me I summon thee cross now the great divide

there is a swirl of orbs and in the circle of candles and the spirit of their Grandmother appears

Grams: Hello my darlings

Rose: Grams I really wish I could hug you right now

Grams: Well done my dear I knew you could summon me but I have to ask you why did you summon me?

Rose: Well I am hoping that you would do the honour of marrying me and James tomorrow?

Grams: oh my darling girl of course I will

Rose: thank you Grams do you think you could talk to the Elders about maybe Mom

Grams: I will do my best baby girl but I have to go now

there is another of orbs and Grams is gone

Piper: If anyone can convince them to let Mom come tomorrow it will be Grams

Rose: I hope so I know its strange because I never knew Mom but I would love for her to be there tomorrow

Prue: Well hopefully she will be but now you have to get to bed we all do we have a big day tomorrow

Rose smiles at her big sister as Piper comes over and wraps her arms around her baby sister

Piper: Come on Leo is busy with a charge tonight so me and you can have a sleep over just the two of us. Prue you need to rest too I mean you are almost 7 months pregnant

Prue smiles at her sisters and together they leave the attic

The Next Morning

Rose is in her room getting ready for her wedding day, her sisters were able to find the traditional things like something old something new something borrowed and something blue.

Rose is just putting on her necklace that once belonged to her Grandmother while she is doing that she does not notice the two swirls of orbs appearing in the room the orbs form two people one is Patty the other is Sam Rose turns around and she is beyond shocked to see both of her parents stood there

Patty: Its okay it us thanks to your Grams she was able to convince the Elders to let us be here for you today

Tears start to form in Rose's eyes as she looks at her mother

Rose: Mom you are really here

Patty: I am here baby

Patty pulls Rose into a hug and Rose is overwhelmed by the first hug she has ever received from her Mother while Sam watches his daughter and her mother

Rose: Dad

Sam is shocked by hearing Rose call him Dad

Rose: Come and join the hug it would the first hug ever with both my parents

Sam smiles and walks over and joins the hug just as the bedroom door opens and Piper comes in and she is shocked to see her baby sister hugging her parents

Piper: Mom?

The hug ends

Rose: Grams did it Piper she convinced the elders to let them both come. I am guessing we have you until midnight right?

Sam: Yes

Prue and Phoebe appear in the doorway

Prue and Phoebe: Mom

Patty smiles at her other two daughters as they walk into the room and they share a huge group hug

Patty: All of my girls

The hugs ends

Patty looks at Prue

Patty: Prue my word how far along are you?

Prue: Almost 7 months the baby is a girl Mom and she will be named after you

Patty: My first Grandchild

Piper: come on we should go make sure everything is ready

Phoebe hugs her mother one more time and they leave the room leaving Rose with her parents

Patty: Would you like me to help do your hair?

Rose: Yes please

Rose sits at her dressing table while her mother does her hair and they talk about everything with Sam watching soon after she is ready to get married there is a knock on the door

Prue: Rose are you ready Grams is here waiting for you

Rose: Be right down

Patty: I will see you downstairs

Patty leaves the room leaving Sam and Rose

Sam: Ready to get married?

Rose: More then ready

Sam takes Rose's hand and leads her down the stairs where Andy is stood at the bottom of the stairs he takes Rose's other hand and together they both walk her towards James who is speechless when he sees Rose

Grams: Primrose baby girl you look beautiful let's us begin.

Grams: We are gathered here today, to unite two souls as one. .Do you Primrose and James join us here of your own free will to acknowledge the eternal bond shared by both of you.

Primrose and James: I do

James: Today I say, "I do" but to me that means, "I will." I will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad. I dedicate myself to your happiness, success, and smile. I will love you forever. You are my every dream come true, and I can't wait for the reality we get to build together.

Primrose: I choose you and promise to choose you as my husband every day we wake. I will love you in word and deed. I will laugh with you, cry with you, scream with you, grow with you, and craft with you. To be your kin and your partner in all of life's adventures is all I could hope for in the world. Loving what I know of you and trusting what I don't yet know, I give you my hand. I give you my love. I give you myself, the good, the bad, and the yet to come.

Grams: Here before witnesses Primrose and James have sworn their vows to each other. With this cord I bind them to those vows.

A ceremonial cord is loosing wrap around Primrose and James joined hands

Primrose and James: Heart to thee, Body to thee, Always and forever, So mote it be.

Grams as well as attending family and friends say "so mote it be" Primrose and James embraces with a kiss as everyone cheers
The kiss ends as Primrose and James smile at each other because they know that they are together forever now. As the people that they love the most smile at the love that Primrose and James share.

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