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Rose's outfit for this Episode

Thank you for understanding why I have not posted in over a week I was dealing with a personnel Loss but I am feeling better

At the Start of this Episode Rose is at her early morning class, Andy Prue and James are all busy or at work. There is only three monkeys because James was able to retrieve Rose's blood from Doctor Williamson

[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper's there reading some mail. Phoebe walks in still in her pyjamas.]

Phoebe: Morning.

Piper: Hey, Pheebs.

Phoebe: Uh, did you get the postcard from Dan?

Piper: Yeah, it sounds like he's having a great time.

Phoebe: What's the matter? Is something wrong?

(Phoebe looks in the cupboard.)

Piper: I got another letter from Dr. Williamson.

Phoebe: Williamson? Isn't he the specialist that treated you for Arroyo fever?

Piper: That would be him.

(Phoebe opens the pantry.)

Phoebe: Oh that was months ago. What does he want?

Piper: He wants me to come in for blood work so he can make sure I'm cured.

Phoebe: An angel brought you back to life. Trust me, you're cured.

Piper: I know, but I can't exactly tell him that.

Phoebe: So just throw the letter away.

Piper: I have been. He keeps sending more.

(Phoebe looks in the bin.)

Phoebe: Here's my Granola. (She pulls out an empty box of Granola.) What's it doing in the trash? I just bought this two days ago. Who eats this besides me?

Piper: Leo, but I'll replace it, I promise.

(Phoebe throws the box back in the bin.)

Phoebe: Um, Piper, um, I don't want you to think I mind because I don't but if Leo's gonna be living here then I think we should probably set some ground rules, you know.

Piper: Leo doesn't live here.

Phoebe: He eats breakfast here.

Piper: Uh huh.

Phoebe: A lot.

Piper: Maybe he just likes cereal. You really think he's here that much?

Phoebe: He's like the big brother I never wanted. (Piper gives her a look.) I mean, had.

Piper: Well Andy lives here too and James spends a lot of time here so you sort of have three brothers

(Prue walks in.)

Prue: Morning. Pheebs, um, Evan Stone, ever hear of him?

Phoebe: Hello. Red Death. I've only seen that movie like five times.

Prue: Yes, I know, I'm doing a photo shoot with him today.

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