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Rose's outfit for this Episode ignore the bag

Once again I am skipping an Episode because I am so excited about this Episode because Primrose is about to discover the Identity of her Father for the very first time and they discover how there Mother was killed when they came face to face with the demon that killed her.

A young Prue is standing there looking out at the lake. She starts remembering about her mother's death.] [In the flashback: It's at Camp Skylark. You hear sirens. There's police cars and an ambulance there. You see Patty lying on the dock in a body bag with three people kneeled down next to her.

Medic: Third drowning this year.

Policeman: Anyone see it happen?

Some guy: Is that her little girl? Get her away from here. We don't want her to see her mum like this.

(You see little Prue standing on the dock.)

Little Prue: Mummy!

(A guy runs up to her.)

Guy: Are you Prue? Your Grams said we'd find you. Why don't you come back inside with me, okay?

(They guy picks her up and carries her off the dock.)

Little Prue: Mummy! Mummy!]

[The flashback finishes. Tears are running down Prue's face. Her phone rings and she answers it.]

Prue: Hello?

Piper: Prue, are you still on the road?

Prue: Oh, yeah, traffic's insane.

Piper: Some guy called from Bucklands. I thought you'd be back from the estate sale already. I was just calling to see if you and my car were okay.

Prue: Yeah, we're fine.

(The phone beeps.)

Piper: Oh, that's um, that's probably Dan.

Prue: You know, he does live like twenty feet away. You guys could get walkie talkies, two cans, a string.

Piper: Point taken, mum.

Prue: Um, alright, go talk to your boy, I'll see you later.

(Prue hangs up. She starts walking towards the dock. She stands on the edge of it. She sees a guy in a canoe and the water starts bubbling next to it. He falls out and Prue runs along the edge of the water. The guy tries to get out of the water but can't. Another guy runs up to Prue.)

Man: No, it's too late. It's already taken him.

Prue: Just call 911.

Opening Credits

[Manor. Piper's on the phone talking to Dan. She runs down the stairs into the kitchen. Phoebe's there reading the paper. Piper sits down at the table and pours cereal into a bowl. Rose comes into the kitchen she is carrying some of her school books

Piper: Pouring.

[Cut to Dan. He's eating Froot Loops.]

Dan: Uh, chewing.

[Cut back to Piper.]

Piper: I can't believe you eat that stuff.

Phoebe: You guys are killing me with cuteness over here.

Piper: (to Phoebe) Don't you have somewhere to be, somewhere very far away. (Phoebe moves closer.)

Dan: What do you say tomorrow, when Jenny's at school, we have breakfast for real?

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