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This is Rose's outfit for this Episode

I know I am skipping a few Episode but there is a reason I was never a fan of the first few episodes and because there is no Phoebe and Cole relationship but there is the Episode where Cole does try to destroy the Power of four by driving a wedge between the four of them but everything works out and they pretend to vanquish Cole together because after he saved Rose's life he proved that he thought of them lie family and so do they that is why they faked his death to keep him safe. Prue is now almost 6 months pregnant with her baby girl. Piper Leo Rose and James are now engaged. Rose is 3 months away from completely finishing her 3 year as a medical student then she becomes an intern at the hospital Phoebe is getting closer to graduation. Piper is doing very well and looking forward to marrying Leo. Prue and Andy are looking forward to the birth of their first baby. When this episode starts Rose and Phoebe are at school and James is meeting Rose once her class has finished

Manor. Foyer. Prue and Leo are there looking at a teen picture of Piper when she had glasses and braces, stuck on a board along with other people's photos for the 10-year reunion.]

Prue: Alright, I know that it seems like she's being a little neurotic, but high school was hard for her. Really, really hard. You know, she was kind of like Jan Brady, the middle sister, not quite sure where she fits in.

Leo: Jan who?

Andy: The Brady Bunch it was a tv show, there were a lot of siblings. Long story I'll explain later

Prue: Hmm.

Piper: (from upstairs) Okay, ready or not, here I come.

Prue: Okay, no matter what, just be supportive. (Piper comes down wearing a very weird black and gold feathered dress.) Wow! Um, you look great.

Leo: Really, really, really great.

Piper: Leo, two reallys would have been plenty. I look ridiculous.

(Prue and Leo look at each other.)

Prue/Leo: No!

Leo: Uhh...

Prue: Feathers and...

Leo: Really...

Prue: Yeah.

Piper: Great, I'm going to my 10-year reunion and win most likely to scare people away at the door.

(Piper walks over to the mirror and starts removing her make-up. Prue motions for Leo to follow. He walks over to her.)

Leo: Come on, Piper, isn't this supposed to be a fun thing, you know, going back and seeing all your old friends?

Piper: You weren't by any chance popular in high school, were you?

Leo: Well, I was... I mean, is there a right answer to this question?

(Leo looks back at Prue and she shakes her head.)

Piper: Leo, I didn't like high school, not even a little bit. I was nobody in high school.

Prue: Piper, you were not a nobody.

Piper: Prue, you were class president. You have no idea what it's like on the other side.

Prue: Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry.

Piper: I just, I had this stupid idea that I'd go back in 10 years and show them, and all I'm gonna show them is that I'm a big-haired freak.

Prue: Alright, you do not look like a freak. You just, you don't look like yourself.

Piper: Well, if I could go as myself, I wouldn't be having this problem.

Leo: Wait, so you mean this is like a costume party?

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