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I feel a pain in my jaw. I open my eyes being aware that I'm tied to a chair. I try to lift my head up but a pain shoots throughout my neck and I close my eyes again and bite my lower lip.

"It took you long enough to wake up, sleeping beauty." I hear a deep voice from somewhere in the room, I think it's the basement. It's all dark but I could still see some spots. I spot Jordan standing right next to a table in the middle of the room.

"For how long have I been unconscious?" 

"three days" he says while looking at something on his phone.

Woah what??

"what do you want from me?" I feel exhausted and terrified, I can barely open my eyes.

"I've been away from you for so long and that's how you greet me?" he asks angrily walking towards me. He's now standing right in front of me. I try to jerk away from him but I only manage to make the ropes get tighter around my hands and legs and I close my eyes in pain. He leans in to face and places a kiss on my forehead.

"I missed you so much....." he whispers in my ear and the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

"get away from me." I whisper-yell but he just chuckles.


"you thought you could send me to jail and continue living your life like nothing happened??"

Pretty much yeah.

He smiles at me. A twisted sick smile.

"well, you were wrong! You are mine! As long as I'm alive, you are mine! And I wouldn't let anyone touch you, not even that little singer guy that you like so much." He says the last few words in awe and I could feel the sarcasm in his voice.

He then walks away leaving me alone in that dark place.

I'm hungry and thirsty and hurt and I really need to pee.

But most of them all, FOOD. Ughh

I wonder if anyone realized I'm missing.... I mean my parents are out of town but I think they should be home by now. They are probably searching for me everywhere. I've missed them.

I know they're searching everywhere for me because once I was supposed to be back home by nine but came home at eleven. My phone died so I couldn't call them to tell that that I'd be a little late. When I arrives everyone -when I say everyone, I literally mean EVERYONE, my neighbors, my friends, my grandparents- was waiting for me in the living room. My parents have called them and told them that I was missing. What an embarrassment.

Harry and Zayn. I've missed them so much.


~three days ago~



I'm so worried about Louis. When I came back with the car, I found Zayn holding his phone nervously in his hands. He told me that he couldn't find Louis and that he's been trying to call him but he wouldn't respond. After spending almost an hour searching for Louis, we decided to go home in a hope of finding him there. We went to his home and no one was there.

And here we are now, in our house, waiting for Louis to maybe call us or come home.

I am afraid that that Jordan guy has something to do with it.

"I HAD TO PEE OKAY??" Zayn yells back. "DON'T BLAME IT ALL ON ME!!"4

"oh...... Zayn I..... I'm not blaming it on you. It's just.... I'm.... I'm sorry."

"Hey babe, it's fine. We'll find him, everything will be okay. It's going to be fine." Liam hugs Zayn from behind.

"Shouldn't we call the cops?" Niall asks.

"Already did, a hundred times actually." Maya drinks from his cup of water. "they said they'll see what they can do about it and of they find anything, they'll call us back."

"what about his parents? We should tell them." Niall asks again.

"I will, if we don't find him tomorrow."

I feel my phone buzz in my hands. I get a text from Jeff.
He Harry, where are you?

"umm, hey, it's me, Maya. Louis, we are all worries about you... Please call us back." I hear Maya say holding her phone against her ear.

I text Jeff back:
I'm kind of busy right now.
I'll see you tomorrow.

I throw my phone on the couch and let out a frustrated groan. I really hope Louis' okay.


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