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"WHAT THE FUCK" he says, his face red from anger.

I try to walk out of the room but he grabs my arms and throws me against the wall. Pain flash through my shaking body, my heart beating wildly against my chest.

He lift his arm and i could see his hand curling up into a fist.

"Please stop" I beg him before I scream ad his fist comes crushing onto my shoulder sending waves of pain through my whole body.

I close my eyes as I feel his hand closed tightly around my throat.

"NOOO" i scream as I flash my eyes wide open. I put my hand around my throat and tears start running down my cheek.

It was a night mare...


It's been quite a while since I have had any if those nightmares. I guess what happened tonight at the party with Blake bought the memories back.

Tears start rolling down my face uncontrollably as I hear a voice coming from outside the door but all I can hear is my heart beating wildly against my chest.


I hear a scream from Louis' room. I get up of the bed insanely and run towards Louis room. I open the door and I feel a pain in my chest as I see Louis sitting in his bed, drowning in tears.

"Louis" I whisper as I run towards him. I sit next to him on the bed and open my arms to hug him but as soon as my arms touvh him, he jerks away from me, pushing me away and making me fall on the ground.

"don't touvh me." he whispers, his eyes still closed.

"Louis, it's me, Harry. I-I won't hurt you"

"get out. I-I need to be alone." he says, his voice breaking. He puts his hands over his face, wiping the tears.

"No I'm not going, you're not fine. Tell me what's wrong! I-I w-"

"GET OUT" he yells this time, tears still rolling down his cheeks. "get out" he throws a pillow at me.

I stare at him for few seconds before I walk out of his room, closing the door behind.

It breaks my heart to see him like this and not being able to hug him and comfort him.


It's finally the morning, I couldn't sleep the whole night. I'll call Zayn, he probably knows what's going on with Louis.

"Hey Harry, why are you calling this early? Where are you?"

"Hey, I'm at Louis' house, he-"

"Why are you there? Is there something going on between you two?"

"no, he was at a party and called you because he needed a ride home, but you didn't answer so he called me but it doesn't matter right now, does he normally have breakdowns?"

"what did he doo? and say?"

"umm... he was crying but when I entered the room, he yelled at me saying 'don't touch me' and 'get out' " I tell him scratching the back of my neck.

"so, it happened to him..... again" Zayn says in a low voice as if he was talking to himself. "look stay w-"

"what do you mean by again?" I say cutting him off.

"uh? Nothing. Just stay with him till I come. Bye." he says hanging up the phone.

I don't know if Louis is still crying or not but I hope he is fine now. I haven't entered his room since last night when he kicked me out of it.

After a few seconds I hear a knock on the door. I open it to see Zayn.

"Hey Harry." Zayn says and I could see worry in his eyes. He was holding two bags in his hands. "you can go now. He's fine. I know how to handle it."

"Okay, I'm going" I say not wanting Zayn to take the fact that I wanna stay here next to Louis, in a wrong way.

Zayn goes upstairs as I walk out of the house and towards my car.


I couldn't sleep all night, the pictures from my dream hunting me.

I thought I got over it, over him.

I hear a knock on the dorr.

"Louis, it's me, Zan, open the door please." He says. I don't move, not wanting to talk to anyone. I'm just too tired and depressed.

"I brought movies" He says knocking the door once again. And again, I didn't bother to answer.

"and food"

I get up from the bed, and walk towards the door. I unlock it staring at the floor not wanting him to see my puffy red eyes.

"Oh Louis" he says dropping the food on the floor and then he hugs me. "it's fine LouBear, he's in jail now. He can't hurt you anymore."

I hug him back as a tear rolls down my cheek.

We pull away from the hug and he wipes my tear smiling at me "hey, don't cry" he says and we sit on my bed "let's forget about him and watch a good movie with some food."


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