The Day of the Sleepover (Part One)

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The weeks pass quickly and Kongpob spends a lot of time wondering about when Nam is going to reappear again. At one point, he even accidentally mixes up bunches of flowers for an order and has to be saved by Maprang at the last second because he's thinking about her so much.

Even though their relationship is seven years old by now, Milly is the evidence of how important he was to her since she bothered to invite him to the hospital on the day she gave birth. But now, every day, he fears that she is going to swoop in and destroy the happy life he and Arthit have created.

'He and Arthit' - another thing distracting him from work.

Cheek kisses and hand holding have developed to warm hugs and occasionally sharing a bed when Milly wants to sleep with them both. However, they strategically place her between them and have as little contact with each other as possible.

It's all pretty much going to plan. Milly has no issue with the changes to their daily routine (which are actually very minor) and Kongpob and Arthit are being extremely grown up about it.

The 'Day of the Sleepover', however, causes them to consider more carefully how their relationship might seem to an outsider and changes things again...

"So I get to have all the 'M' gang to sleepover, right, Daddy?" Milly says as they are eating their breakfast one Tuesday morning.

"That's what we agreed," Arthit says carefully, wondering what his daughter is up to now.

"Good, because I already asked them all." She says happily, spooning up another bite of fruit and cereal and swallowing it down.

Meanwhile, Arthit locks eyes on Kongpob, widening them as if to ask him what's going on. Unfortunately, he has no clue either, so he just shrugs his shoulders and then looks back at their daughter who is finishing her drink now.

"Milly? Is there something you need to tell us, sweetie?" Kongpob asks gently, raising his eyebrow which never fails to work.

And he's right as she frowns and then looks down at her hands, speaking very quietly.

"Sorry, Mills, what was that?" Arthit asks her and she looks up at him with her widest eyes and most pleading expression.

"Umm, well, Jamal wasn't in the 'M' Gang when I asked for my sleepover.. but I already invited him!"

Kongpob's heart starts to beat more normally in his chest and he exchanges a brief smile with Arthit, "That's okay, Milly, I'm glad you did because he and his mummy are still very new to town and it's really good for them to make friends."

Milly's smile almost splits her cheeks and she jumps up to first hug Arthit and then rush round the table to grab Kongpob too. "Thank you Papa, thank you Daddy! I'm so excited!"

Then she dashes away to brush her teeth as Kongpob and Arthit exchange another bemused smile.


When Kongpob picks Milly up from school later, Kru Prae greets him happily. Their relationship might be no deeper than friendship, but he really likes the young teacher and is grateful that she wants to be friends with his little family and for how caring she is with Milly.

"Afternoon, Kongpob," she says as he arrives, laughing as he spots Milly chatting excitedly with the rest of the 'M' gang. "They're all super excited, do you realise what you've let yourself in for? I mean, teaching them all day, fine, but looking after four of them at night after they gobble up a sugary feast? Rather you than me!"

Kongpob laughs, "It'll be okay, Arthit's going to be 'Super Daddy' or something.. I'm not exactly certain, details have yet to be discussed, but he's in charge of entertainment and I will be feeding them healthy snacks! And don't forget that you're welcome to join us..."

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