Baby Milly!

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It's been a busy day at 'Kong's Blooms' and he's had to send Maprang to fetch them at least three rounds of espresso just to get through the amount of orders they have backed up, but finally, Kongpob can take a break as he heads over to pick up Milly.

He's waiting in the area for parents when his daughter arrives, tugging her new teacher by the hand.

"Please Kru Prae, can you tell Papa how good I was today?" She asks, turning pleading eyes on her new teacher. The pleading eyes that even Kongpob sometimes finds hard to turn down.

"Milly!" He says sternly and she twists towards him, her wide eyes already ready for him, begging him to buy her chocolate or sweets or her favourite cake for being so good.

"Milly was an excellent help today, Mr Rojnapat," Kru Prae says as she shares a conspiratorial grin with his daughter. "She listened really well and showed me where the books and pens were. And she helped lots of the other children out when we were painting and tidied up after. You should be proud of her."

Kongpob feels a smile slide onto his lips, even as he replies, "Sutthiluk. I'm Mr Sutthiluk, Daddy, ahem, Arthit, I mean, is Mr Rojnapat."

"Oh!" The teacher covers her mouth with her hand, "I apologise for the mistake, I must read the files more closely. It's just, it's my first day and it's been rather busy as I'm sure you can imagine."

Kongpob nods, aware of how hard it must be to juggle a classroom of thirty children and all the extras that go with it. "No problem. Just so you know, she has Arthit's surname because I lost at rock, paper, scissors," he swirls a hand as though to explain, then realises no matter what he says, it sounds a bit ridiculous, and finishes in a bit of a daze, "Anyway.. erm, yeah that's why! It's kind of a family thing..."

Prae stifles a laugh behind her hand and he likes the way she isn't afraid to show her emotions. She seems like a really lovely person and Kongpob is pleased that she's going to be teaching his daughter this year - whatever Arthit might think.

"Papa?" Milly tugs at his sleeve, "Because I was so good and helpful, can I ask May and Em to come do their homework with us?"

He nods and she lights up before dashing across the playground to her friends and their parents, gesticulating wildly with her hands, a smile firmly in place.

"It's lovely to see your relationship with your daughter, Mr Sutthiluk, it's clear how much she adores you," Prae comments as they both watch her go.

"Thank you. I think she's wonderful, too. I mean, obviously I know when I'm being manipulated, but she's an angel most of the time." He laughs self-deprecatingly as he thinks of how Arthit and Milly can tag-team him into getting their own way and how it happens far too often, like having chocolate syrup with breakfast or buying too many sweets. To be honest, he really doesn't mind, because he thinks it's kind of cute when they join forces, and it's a good way for Arthit to bond with his daughter, thinking they are ganging up on him when in fact, Kong's actually only letting them think they're winning. He's always secretly in charge of almost everything in truth - no matter what Arthit might imagine.

Well, somebody has to be the calm in their chaotic household!

It's strange how comfortable he feels with Kru Prae when he hasn't known her even a day, and he finds himself opening up to her a little more than he has with any of the other teachers that have passed through their lives.

"And, honestly?" Prae nods for him to go on, "It hasn't been easy on her.. having me and Arthit in her life. It's pretty hard for some people to understand our family. So, we're lucky she's such a kind and generous and caring girl."

Papa and Daddy (and Milly too!)Where stories live. Discover now