Part 36 ~ Final Part

Beginne am Anfang

The rest of the Avengers arrived in a large swarm a few minutes after you and Bucky had. The receptionist made them stay in the waiting room until told otherwise.

That drew a lot of funny looks from everyone else. It's not everyday you see the Avengers waiting in a hospital with worried looks across their faces.


《17 Hours Later》

"You're almost done Y/n. One more push." The doctor informed.

You did as you were told and squeezed Bucky's hand tighter as you pushed one last time.

The sound of crying filled the room and the doctors shuffled around.

"Is he okay?" You asked softly.

"He's perfectly fine." The doctor seemed amazed.

You let out a sigh of relief and loosened your grip on Bucky's hand, letting go shortly after as the doctor handed you your baby.

You cradled him in your arms, tears filling your eyes. He looked so much like Bucky, it was crazy.

Bucky placed a kiss on your forehead and his smile grew as he looked between you and the baby. He wiped your tears with his thumb.

"I love you." He whispered in your ear.

"I love you too." You looked up and kissed him deeply.

You moved over on the bed a little, allowing Bucky to sit down, as you handed him the baby.

He took him from your hands carefully and cradled him in his flesh arm, afraid to hurt him with the metal one.

The doctors left the room after making sure you and your baby were okay. The team was allowed to come in after minutes later.

The door slowly opened as Sam and Wanda poked their heads in.

"Can we come in?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." You responded.

The entire team piled into the room and stood around your bed with huge grins plastered on their faces.

"Have you guys decided on a name yet?" Steve asked.

"Please be Sam. Please be Sam." Sam chanted from the corner of the room.

"Yes, we have. And no Sam. I'm not naming my child after you. We discussed this already." Bucky replied.

"Worth a shot."

You giggled.

"So? Aren't you gonna tell us what it is?" Nat inquired with a smirk.

"You wanna tell them?" Bucky asked you. You nodded and looked up at the team.

"Grayson Anthony Barnes." You replied with a smile and looked at Tony.

"Anthony?" He asked with a surprised look.

"Mhm." You hummed.


"You took care of me when my actual dad wouldn't. You were there when I needed you most. I love you." You responded and your eyes filled with tears.

"I love you too, Kid." He smiled and gave you a hug, carefully wrapping his arms around you and Grayson.

"And if you don't mind I have a new nickname for you." You said as you pulled out of the hug.

"Oh God, not again. What is it this time?" Tony smirked.


His face lit up. "I can live with that." You laughed and he kissed your forehead.

The next few minutes were spent by passing Grayson around to each team member, letting them hold him.

Even Loki held him and enjoyed it. Well, that is, until Grayson started crying and Loki thought he did something so he started to freak out.

"Why's he crying? Did I do something? Y/n take him, he clearly doesn't like me." He handed Grayson back to you and you laughed.

"You didn't do anything Loki. He's just hungry." The team looked at you with confused looks. "Oh yeah! I didn't tell you guys. I can read minds now. Loki taught me and I've been practicing on Bucky."

"Prove it. What am I thinking about?" Sam challenged.

"The number 3...My Little Pony...Celery...America's Ass." You smirked.

"Jarvis, remind me to create something to block my thoughts from Y/n. I don't like her having an upper hand on me." Tony spoke.

You giggled and yawned.

"Alright everyone, let's go home. A few of us will be back tomorrow to check on you guys." Steve informed.

You nodded and the team walked out. Bucky took Grayson from Wanda's hands and sat in the chair next to your bed, after giving you a quick kiss.


You woke up a few hours later and looked to your left. Bucky was sitting, asleep, in the chair with an empty bottle in one hand and Grayson nestled in the other. Your heart melted at the sight.

You grabbed the glass of water that was sitting on the stand next to you and drank it before falling back asleep.


After about a week, you and Grayson were released from the hospital. You were sitting in his nursery rocking him to sleep in your arms. Bucky came in as you were placing Grayson in his crib and hugged you from behind.

You stood by the crib for a few minutes, watching over your son. He had Bucky's blue eyes and they shared certain facial features. From the looks of it, he was going to have your hair.

There was no way to tell if he had your powers, Bucky's super soldier abilities, or both. Only time would tell.

"Thank you." You whispered as Bucky rested his chin on your shoulder.

"For what?" He asked as he kissed your bare shoulder.

"For staying with me."

♡The End♡

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