Part 2

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Screaming woke you up extremely early this morning. You rolled over to check your phone to see what time it was, it was only 2:30 am. Waiting to see if the screaming would stop, you lay awake staring at the ceiling, worry filling your body. Who was that? Seeing as though the screams weren't stopping, you get up from your bed and put on a hoodie and socks making your way to your closed door.

The screaming was coming from Bucky's room. You knocked on the door lightly. "Bucky? Are you okay?" You said worryingly. After repeating yourself a few times and repeatedly getting no answer, you slowly opened the door and slipped inside the Bucky's room. You looked over to Bucky who was lying on the floor with a blanket and pillow while shaking and whimpering.

You walked over to him lightly grabbing his leg and giving him a small shake. "Hey Bucky..." You whisper yelled. "Bucky get up, it's just a dream, they can't hurt you." Shaking him a little more he darted up. Startled, you slowly step back.

He sat there for a second heavily breathing, a few tears managing to escape, sliding down his face. He looked up at you, his eyes showing the pain and fear of his past. "Are you okay?" You said slowly walking over to him trying to calm him down.

"I'm fine." He said quickly. "I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to bed."

"Why aren't you sleeping on the bed?"

"I- I don't want to talk about it. Go. Please." He stammered trying to keep calm.

"Okay I understand. Goodnight Bucky." You stated, slowly walking out of his room and slipping back into yours. You stayed awake staring at the ceiling for another hour before finally falling back asleep.


You woke up for the second time today, this time being awoke by Jarvis."Miss Y/l/n, Mr. Stark has requested your presence in the laboratory."

"Just five more minutes J. Pleeease." You muttered, pulling the blankets over your head.

"Miss Y/l/n, he said it was urgent."

"Fine." You grumbled, throwing the blanket off your body and sitting up in bed. "I don't know what is so urgent that he couldn't wait five more minutes. Somebody better be dying or on fire or I'm going to drop kick his ass."

"I..uhh..don't think that's going to be necessary Miss."

You get up and go into the bathroom to get ready to train for the day. You fix your hair putting it into a tight high ponytail, two strands of hair broke loose from the hair ties grasp, falling and framing your face. You put on a black sports bra and a pair of dark purple high waisted work out leggings which had a black stripe down the side. You slipped on a pair of tennis shoes and put on a pair of fingerless boxing gloves.

You made your way to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat, as well as a bottle of water. You walked to the lab to see what the Man of Sarcasm wanted before heading to the gym. "What did you need, that was so important that I had to wake up at 6:30 in the morning?" You snipped, taking a bite of the granola bar you grabbed.

"Hold it right there Dopey. I'm assuming if i don't get to the point soon Grumpy will also make an appearance and we don't want that now do we?" Stark retorted. "I was just going to ask you if you wanted to check out your new suit on the next mission, but I guess I'll have to blow this one up myself this time."

"Are you ever going to let that go?" You said walking over to the mannequin n which your suit was being displayed on, carefully taking it off of it and walking out of the room.

"Not even a thank you?"

"Thank you!!" You yelled from the hall.

When you arrived at the gym you saw Nat already waiting for you. She got up and walked over to the punching bag where you were standing. "Your late." She smirked.

"Sorry. Stark wanted to give me my new suit since I kinda blew my last one up." You both chuckled and started for the mats to begin training hand to hand. You got into a fighting stance as Nat did the same. "You ready Spider Lady?"


You lunged at her, making the first move. She ducked and whipped her leg around, swiping you off your feet, falling backwards onto the mats, allowing her to pin you down. You wrapped your legs around her waist, flipping her so that your on top pinning her down.

"Nice. Now get off me before I actually kick your ass." Nat exclaimed.

You got off her and walked over to a bench and sat down to take a breath and take a drink of water as did Nat. Steve and Bucky walked into the gym. Bucky avoided eye contact with you so you pulled him aside.

"Hey are you okay?" You asked.

"I'm fine. I should get back to Steve." He replied quickly and walking back over to Steve and Nat who were now conversating.

You walked over shortly after, letting your hair down and putting the hair tie around your wrist. "I'm gonna go get cleaned up, Nat do you wanna have a girls day with me and Wanda?"

"Sure see you in a few."

You walked out of the gym and went to the kitchen once again to grab something to eat and ask Wanda if she wanted to hang out later. "Hey Magic Fingers! Wanna have a girls day with me and Nat?" You said excitedly.

"Of course! I'll be ready in an hour." Wanda replied happily.

You walked out of the kitchen and up to your room to get ready for your day with Nat and Wanda.

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