Part 9

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You woke up on the couch, Loki still asleep next to you. You got up made coffee and ate breakfast. You then went up to your room to take yet another shower, trying to wash the blue off your skin once again. It came off a little bit, but you still looked like a smurf. God I'm gonna kill him.

You put on a black beanie, a pair of light blue jeans, your black hoodie, and a pair of black converse. You put on the necklace and bracelet set you got from Sam and went over and sat on your bed. What am I gonna do on him next. It's gotta be good.

You looked around and noticed that some things were moved around in your room. You hadn't been in here since last night, and even then you didn't really pay attention to anything in the room. Since you were busy trying to unblue yourself.

Everyone knew better than to come into your room without consent, however that never stopped Loki from barging in.

You went downstairs where Loki was now awake and drinking tea at the kitchen island.

"Hey did you go in my room yesterday?" You asked.

"No I was with you all day, remember?" He responded.

"Okay. Thanks." You walked back up to your room. The only other person that would dare to go into your room would be Bucky.

You walked across the hall and walked into his room, not even bothering to knock at this point. "Why were you in my room?"

"What the hell Y/n?! Knock, it's not that hard." He snarled.

"Answer my question." You crossed your arms. "Why were you in my room?"

"I wasn't."

"Yes you were. Your the only one who is dumb enough to go in there without my knowledge. Why were you in my room?!" You started to raise your voice.

"You came in my room and put hair dye in my shampoo. So I had to return the favor and put blue paint in your soap." He smirked.

"Oh yea? Then why is all of my stuff on my desk messed up like you went through it!?" You were practically yelling at this point.

"I needed ideas for pranks Cupcake."

"And did you find any?" You asked.

"Nope." He lied.

"Mhm. Go in my room again without my consent and I won't hesitate to gut you like a fish." You sassed and walked out of his room.

"You love me too much to do that." He remarked.

"Keep testing me and you'll find out." You said stopping in your tracks and flipping him off.

You walked back into your room and grabbed your notebook from behind the canvas on your wall. You flipped through the pages to get to your list of pranks and erased number 15. You looked through the list and chose the egg in Orange juice prank. It was simple yet effective and it was still breakfast time. Perfect.

Hey text Bucky tell him to come downstairs in 5 minutes for breakfast
Don't ask questions
Just do it
Ps. Don't tell him I said this.

Old Man America
Should I be worried?

Do it

You walked downstairs and grabbed the orange juice out of the fridge as well as an egg. You pulled out two glasses from the cupboard and cracked the egg into on of the glasses. You then poured in the orange juice in both glasses and sat one on the table for Bucky.

You seemed really suspicious just standing there waiting for Bucky to drink the Orange Juice so you quickly started making some bacon and hash browns, even though you already ate, you had to make it look like nothing was going on. Sure enough, five minutes later Bucky comes strolling into the kitchen. He was weren't a tight red t-shirt with a charcoal leather jacket, jeans, and his boots.

"Who's juice?" He asked.

"Uhh I think Steve poured that and then forgot about it." You replied trying to sound believable.

"Mine now." He said picking up the glass and taking a huge gulp. He spit it out two seconds later. "What the hell?!" You are laughing like crazy. "What did you put in this?! It tastes like shit Y/n!"

"Raw egg." You responded through your giggling.

"Very funny Y/n." He sassed and walked out of the room. "STEEEEEVE!"

"What Buck?" He responded.

"Did you know about this?"

"Know about what?"

"Did you know Y/n was pranking me?" Bucky asked loudly.

"No. All she said was to tell you to come down for breakfast." Steve replied innocently.

"Well she put a raw egg in my orange juice and I drank it not knowing it was in there!" He complained.

"Hey we warned you. You started this mess with that stunt you pulled on Y/n's birthday." Steve reminded.

Bucky rolled his eyes and stormed off into his room to contemplate what prank to pull next.


You are still in the kitchen, finishing the rest of the bacon and hash browns you made and laughing with Loki. He had walked into the kitchen to see what all the yelling was right after Bucky left.

"You put a raw egg in Barnes' juice?!" Loki related chuckling.

"Yep. Ya know your the "God of Mischief" however right now I'm playing better pranks." You teased.

Loki rolled his eyes and sat down at the kitchen island. You had already cleaned up the mess Metal Man had made when he spit out the drink. Sam came in with a huge grin on his face.

"I heard you got Payback." He smirked. "Nice one."

"Thanks Pigeon Wings." You responded.

"Are you ever going to drop that nickname?" He asked.

"Nope." You giggled.

You, Sam, and Loki all sat down on the couch and chatted for a while. They gave you some advice on pranking Bucky in which you would definitely be following. You turned on a movie and got some snacks for you all. Half way through the movie, a screeching alarm sounded.

"Miss Y/l/n, Mr. Laufeyson, Mr. Wilson, there is a mission in which you must attend. I am afraid someone has kidnapped Mr. Parker again." Jarvis stated.

Part 10 coming soon...
Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger :)

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