Part 17

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The kiss lasted a few minutes until Bucky pulled away to look at you, his steel blue eyes meeting your y/e/c eyes.

"Come on. It's getting late, let's go inside." He spoke softly. You smiled and walked inside with him. He walked you up to your room and stopped outside the door.

"Agree to not tell anyone again?" You laughed.

"Definitely. Never happened." He smirked and walked down to his room.

You opened the door to your room and went in. You took a quick shower, changed into a tank top and leggings, wiggled underneath the blankets of the bed, and drifted asleep.


You woke up the next morning to Pietro running into your room and throwing you over his shoulder.

"PIETRO! PUT ME DOWN!" You yelled grumpily.

"No. Breakfast is done." He smirked as he ran down the hall and into the elevator. He waited patientlyfor the doors to open with you still handing over his shoulder hitting him in the back. As soon as the doors open, he was out of the elevator and speeding into the kitchen/dining area, sitting you down in one of the chairs at the table.

"Fuck you." You said sticking your tongue out at him. Steve shot you a glare from the end if the table. "Don't say it." You warned.

"For gosh sake watch your language!" Tony laughed. You looked at him. "What? You never said I couldn't say it." He smirked.

"Hey Jarvis?" You called.

"Yes, Miss?"

"How long will it take you to fix a window?"

"I can have it fixed by morning, Miss Y/l/n. May I ask why you need to know this information? There appears to be no broken windows in the house."

"No reason. Thanks J." You smirked.

"I know that look. Tony you better run." Nat warned.

"Why?" He snipped.

"Remember when you went in her room without her permission and she stabbed you, then threw you out a window?" She reminded.

"Uhh yea?"

"Well, unless you want a dagger hanging out of your side, I suggest you run."

Tony's eyes widened, realizing the newly sharpened dagger that was already in your hand. He fell out of his chair while trying to escape, got up, and ran into his lab shrieking like a terrified little kid.

Everyone laughed. You weren't actually intending on stabbing him and everyone knew that. Well... except Tony.

You all finished eating and you went up to your room to change. You put on a black cami tank top, a pair of shorts, and slipped on your sandals.

Tony was still hiding in his lab when you came back downstairs. He eventually came out when Nat informed him you no longer had a dagger and that you weren't going to stab him unless he deserved it. He came out in his Iron Man suit and stayed alert the entire time you were near him.

"What are we going today?" You asked Steve.

"It's a surprise. Only Tony and I know." He replied.

"HA! That's what you get for trying to stab me!" Tony teased.

"I did no such thing. You provoked me and I grabbed a dagger. There were no attempted stabbings." You retorted.

"Quit bickering and come on!" Nat yelled from the door.

You all piled into a car and Steve drove you to where you were going.

"Are we there yet?" Loki whined. He was being smushed between Thor and Tony and he wasn't having it. He had his hands positioned to summon a dagger at any given moment.

"Hold on Loki. We'll be there in a minute." Steve replied.

"Hurry up Capsicle! I don't wanna get stabbed!" Tony grumbled.

"Everyone just be quiet. We're here." Steve snapped. You all filed out of the car one by one to see where you were.

You looked around and saw a large building in front of you. It had blue waves painted on it and a sign that read Maui Ocean Center. It was an aquarium.

"Yay!!" You squealed, grabbed Loki's wrist and pulled him through the large doors which had a giant shark mouth entryway. Everyone else followed shortly after.

You all walked around the aquarium for a few hours. You stopped by the gift shop before you left and bought a octopus plushie and a pair of green socks which had little alligators on them.

Your favorite exhibit you saw was the turtles. Loki's and Thor's were of course the snakes and Peter's were the spiders.

You all eventually piled back into the car and Steve drove you all back to the beach house.

It was around 5:30 pm when you got back. Tony had Jarvis order food and you all chatted and relaxed by the pool while waiting for it to be delivered.

"THOR! Put me down you moronic oaf!" Loki yelled. Thor had thrown Loki over his shoulder and was about to throw him in the pool. Loki summoned a dagger and stabbed Thor in the back.

"Oww!" Thor howled and sat Loki back in his chair. "Y/N! Loki stabbed me!"

"You asked for it." You giggled. Sam ran up behind you, picked you up, and threw you in the pool. "SAM!" He laughed super hard, not paying attention to his surroundings. Bucky snuck up behind him and pushed him in.

"CANNONBALL!!!" Thor yelled as he jumped from his room's deck into the pool, creating a massive splash which drenched everyone standing by the pool.

"THOR!" Loki yelled. The book he was reading was completely soaked with water. He used his magic, dried himself and the book, and stormed off into the house.

You got out of the pool, along with Thor and Sam, and went up to your room to change. You put on one of the shirts you got for your birthday, a pair of black joggers, and slipped on your new socks you had gotten from the aquarium.

After you changed, you went downstairs to eat. The food had arrived while you were changing and everyone was already at the table eating. You all talked and laughed for the rest of the night.

Part 18 coming soon...

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