Part 28

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"Shhhh. It's okay." Bucky comforted. He kissed your head and stroked your hair to calm you down.

You continued to sob into his shirt for a few minutes before calming down enough to speak.

"Are you okay, Doll?" Bucky asked worriedly. You nod and try to keep your breathing steady. "Do you wanna talk about what happened?" His voice was soft and calm. He wasn't going to make you talk about it if your didn't want to. You nodded again.

"I was fighting and then memories of Hydra..." You started, your breathing started to quicken again.

He placed his hand under your chin and lifted your head so were looking at him. He wiped your tears from your face and rested his hands on either side of your head. "Your safe with me. Nobody's gonna get you. Ever again. I promise."

You gave a soft smile. You leaned up and softly pressed your lips to his. You laid your head on his shoulder and wrapped your arms around him tighter.

You stayed in Bucky's arms for a while before you calmed your breathing and tear. You kept your head on his chest and your arms around him the entire time.

Bucky could feel you body relax against his as your breathing slowed. He looked down and found you sleeping in his arms. He smiled to himself and picked you up carefully.

He carried you up to his room and laid you down on his bed. You nestled your head into the pillows as he pulled the blankets over your body. He kissed your forehead and quietly slipped out of the room to go sit with the team for a bit.

"Is she okay?" Loki asked Bucky as he walked into the living area.

"Yeah. Just overwhelmed and tired. She's sleeping right now." Bucky informed.

"What happened?"

"She got a memory from Hydra when she was fighting you. It wasn't your fault." Loki nodded and went back to reading.

Bucky went into the kitchen to make something for you both to eat. He grabbed the ingredients for waffles and started to make them.

Once he was finished, he put the food onto plates, and then put the plates on a tray, along with a small plate of bacon and two glasses of orange juice. He grabbed the tray and went back up to his room.

He walked in and shut the door behind him. He had been downstairs for a little over an hour and you were still sleeping peacefully in his bed.

He sat the tray down on the bed and sat down next to you. You stirred in your sleep and rolled over onto your other side, now facing him. Bucky ate his food while waiting for you to wake up.

Your eyes fluttered open and saw Bucky sitting next to you on the bed. He was watching something on the TV. You rubbed your eyes and sat up a little.

Bucky redirected his eyes from the TV and onto you. "Hey, Doll." He kissed your forehead.

"Hey." You replied groggily.

"I made waffles. Try to eat some. You've hardly ate anything today."

"Okay." You grabbed a fork and began eating. In a few minutes time, the rest of the food was gone as well as your juice. "Thank you." You smiled and kissed his cheek.

He returned the smile and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you to him.

You wrapped your arms around him and laid your head in the crook of his neck. "I love you." You said softly in his ear.

"I love you too, Doll." He hummed as he kissed your head and stroked your hair.

You fell back asleep in his arms for another hour or two before the mission alarm went off.

You jolted awake and quickly sat up, summoning a dagger as you did.

"Hey. Doll, it's okay it's just the mission alarm." He spoke softly and carefully grabbed the dagger from your hand making sure not to hurt you or himself in the process.

You hadn't gone on any missions since you've been back. You were cleared to go on them whenever you were ready, however you hadn't yet. Bucky always stayed back with you unless he was absolutely needed, and even then he had to be forced to go and either Peter or Loki stayed with you then.

"Jarvis what's the mission?" Bucky asked.

"Mr. Stark has located another Hydra base and would like to know if Miss Y/l/n will be coming along." The AI responded.

Bucky looked at you and you shook your head. You weren't quite ready to go back to any Hydra bases, even if it was with a team of highly trained fighters to take it down.

"She says no." Bucky said.

"Mr. Barnes we will need all the help we can get, you are going to have to come along."

Bucky sighed. "Will you be okay here alone?"

"Yeah." You replied.

He quickly changed into his suit and kissed you as you got up and took his hand. You walked with him outside to the jet.

"Be careful." You told him as you wrapped your arms around him

"Always." He gave you a kiss as he pulled out of the embrace and got onto the jet.

You watched the jet take off and you went back into the Compound. You hadn't got the chance to change out of your training attire earlier so you went upstairs and took a shower. You got out and pulled on one of Bucky's sweatshirts and a pair of black leggings along with a pair of fuzzy socks. You pulled your hair into a tight messy bun and flopped down on your bed.

Who knew how long this mission would take. It could be anywhere from an hour to a few days which bothered you.

You watched TV for awhile and then went downstairs to wait for the team to get back, just just case this was a quicker mission. You grabbed a blanket and a book and sat down on the couch.

You eventually fell asleep after a little over two hours of waiting.

You were woken up by the elevator doors opening and the team filing into the room.

Steve was holding Bucky up, one of his arms wrapped around Bucky's waist and the other holding onto Bucky's hand which was draped over Steve's shoulder. Bucky was holding his ribs with his other hand, blood trickling down his fingers.


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