Part 15

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"WAKE UP Y/N!" Nat yelled while shaking you awake.

"No. It's five in the morning." You mumbled.

"Fine. I have other ways of getting you up."

Nat grabbed the blankets, yanked them off you, and started hitting you with pillows.

"Ow." You groaned.

"Get up. You can sleep on the plane." She ordered.


You gathered enough energy to get up and brush your teeth and hair. You didn't bother changing out of your pajamas. You handed Nat your suitcase and bookbag, grabbed your crutches and phone and left your room.

"Everyone is already in the cars and ready to go." Nat informed.

You nodded and got got in the back seat of black SUV that Steve was driving. The car included, Loki, Bucky, Thor, Nat, Sam, and yourself. Another SUV followed behind you. Which was being driven by Tony. It held Wanda, Pietro, Clint, Bruce, Happy, and Peter.

"Took you long enough." Sam joked.

"Shut up and let me sleep Pigeon Wings." You snipped.

"Damn, okay."

Nat had put your crutches with your bags in the trunk of the car so you didn't have to worry about them, and got in the passenger seat.

"Ready?" Steve asked everyone.

"Yeah." Everyone replied.

Steve started driving and you curled up in your seat. You were sitting between Sam and Bucky. Thor and Loki were in the back sitting next to each other. Loki didn't seem too thrilled about that.

It was about an hour and a half car ride to the airport where a private jet would escort you to your destination. It only took a few minutes and you were fast asleep with your head on Bucky's shoulder, which was not intentional, he just happened to be sitting next to you and he makes a pretty good pillow.

The entire car ride to the airport, Sam was wiggling his eyebrows up and down while looking at you and Bucky.

"Stop it Sam." Bucky snarled.

"Shhh. Your gonna wake Y/n." Sam teased.

Bucky narrowed his eyes and went back to looking out his window.


You were lightly woken up when two strong arms were wrapped around you and you were gently lifted out of your seat. You tried to open your eyes but you weren't able to. Bucky felted you stir and held you closer.

"It's just me. We're getting on the jet." He whispered softly in your ear.

You attempted to say okay, however the words didn't form, so you ended up just making a mhm noise and let your head fwump onto Bucky's shoulder which made him chuckle a little.

He carried you onto the jet and tried to sit you down on one of the seats but you wrapped your arms around him tightly and wouldn't let go, so he ended up just sitting down and let you lay on his lap.

Sam made more suggestive faces at Bucky during the plane ride. Loki, on the other hand, was glaring at Bucky the entire time.


"Y/n. You gotta wake up this time. I'm not gonna be able to carry you and my bags as well." Bucky said as he gently nudged you awake.

You slowly opened your eyes and he gave you a soft smile. "Are we there?" You asked sleepily.

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