Part 33

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《4 Months Later》

"Y/n, wake up! We're gonna be late for your appointment!" Bucky exclaimed and gently shook you awake.

"Let me sleep." You swatted his hand away and pulled the blankets over your head.

"Okay then I guess you don't wanna see how the baby is doing."

"Okay I'm up!" You sat up.

The morning sickness hit you, like it did every morning for the past four months. You pushed Bucky out of the way as you made your way to the bathroom.

You came out, with your hair down and you had on light mascara. You went into the closet to pick out your outfit for the day. You took off your pajama shirt and looked in the mirror and your small baby bump.

You were staring at the scars on your stomach when Bucky came in and kissed your bare shoulder as he stood behind you and put his hands on top of yours which were resting on your stomach.

"You okay?" He asked softly.

"Yeah, just nervous." You admitted.

"About what?"

"What if I'm a bad mom? What if I end up like my mom and you have to take care of this baby alone? What if something happens to the baby? Bucky, I'm scared." Tears filled your eyes and fell down your face.

Bucky turned you around and cupped your face as he wiped your tears with his thumbs. "You're not going to be a bad mom and nothing is going to happen to you."

"You don't know that." At this point your silent tears had turned into sobs and Bucky pulled you to his chest.

Eventually your sobs went back to being silent tears and your breathing has gone back to normal. Bucky wiped the last tears off your face and kissed your forehead.

"Want ice cream?" He asked and a smile grew on your face.

"Yes!" You hurrily put on your outfit for the day which was loose white sweatshirt with a gray jean jacket, black jeans, and black Vans.

"We'll get some on the way to the appointment." He laughed.

You smiled and took his hand as you walked out of your room and downstairs.

You were greeted by the team as you reached the living room. You walked into the kitchen to grab your go-to pregnancy craving.

"WHERE IS MY PEANUT BUTTER?!" You shouted and turned around to see Peter eating a peanut butter sandwich. You glared at him.

"I'm sorry! Don't hit me!" Peter ran out of the room.

"Here, Doll." He handed you a new jar of peanut butter.

You kissed his cheek and took the jar as you opened the fridge to grab the jar of pickles.

You opened the jars and dipped the pickles in the peanut butter.

"Y/n, I get that your pregnant and all, but that is disgusting." Sam stated and Nat agreed.

"It's not as bad as it seems." You offered them a peanut butter covered pickled.

"No thanks. I'll take your word for it." They backed away.

You laughed and stuffed one last pickle in your mouth.

"We gotta go, Doll." Bucky informed. You nodded and told everyone bye.

You left the Compound and went and got ice cream before going to your appointment.

The drive to the doctor's office was short. After about fifteen minutes of driving you arrived and walked hand in hand with Bucky.

You sat in the waiting area for about twenty minutes, waiting for the doctor to call you back.

"Miss Y/l/n?" The nurse called as the door opened.

"That's me." You and Bucky stood up and followed the nurse into one of the rooms.

"Okay, take your jacket off, have a seat on the bed, and lift your shirt up so we can do the ultrasound." She told you.

You did as she said and handed your jacket to Bucky as you sat down on the table and lifted your shirt up to expose your little baby bump.

The nurse came over, cleaned off you stomach and rubbed some kind of cool gel on it before she started the ultrasound.

You could see her glance from the scars on your stomach to the screen, her face was hard to read. I should read her mind. You advised against it however.

"I'll be right back, with the doctor, holding on one second." She rushed out of the room.

"What's wrong?" You asked Bucky.

"I don't know, Doll." He sounded extremely worried.

The nurse came back in with the doctor a few minutes later. She showed him the screen and did the exact same thing she had done before. He looked at your stomach, the scars, and back at the screen, occasionally whispering about something.

"Is something wrong?" Bucky asked.

"Uhh yes." The doctor responded.

Yours and Bucky's eyes widened.

"Whats wrong?" You asked.

"Miss Y/l/n, the scaring on your stomach goes deeper than it let's on. There is an extremely low chance of this baby's survival. It's a miracle that you even got pregnant in the first place." The doctor said.

Tears filled your eyes as the doctor walked out. Bucky grabbed your hand and held it, holding back tears of his own.

The nurse wiped off the gell from your stomach and briefed you on a few quick things before letting you leave.


The ride back to the Compound was quiet. Bucky held your hand the entire way there, tears occasionally slipping down his face.

When you got back, you ignored everyone's questions, walking straight up to your room and curling up in a ball on the bed.

"Doll?" Bucky called from the doorway.

He had been answering the team's questions for he twenty minutes and was finally able to break away from them.

You didn't answer. You had your back to the door and you couldn't see bucky.

He walked around the bed and crouched down to make sure you were okay.

He found you sleeping while cuddling a small stuffed animal you had bought for the baby. Your face was tear stained and your cheeks were red.

Bucky kissed your forehead and laid down next to you. You stirred awake when he stroked your hair from your face.

You opened your eyes and looked at Bucky. Tears began to fill your eyes the longer you looked at him.

He pulled you closer to him and kissed your forehead.

"It's gonna be okay, Doll."


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