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A couple weeks later
"Hey you need a ride to school? If so hurry up and get dressed, I gotta drop the twins off at daycare." My mama said as she turned on the light. "I don't know if I'm going today ma. I don't feel good." I said. I felt nauseated. "What's wrong? Headache?" My mom asked. "No. I feel nauseous and light headed." I told her. "You just need some water that's all. Come on, we gotta get you ready for school." She said as she tapped my shoulder. I yawned and sat up. Apparently I sat up a little to quick like because I instantly had to throw up. I rushed to the bathroom and let it all out. "Jesus Liyah, what did you eat last night?" My mama asked as she held my hair back.

"I only ate chips." I told her. "See, that's the problem. You didn't eat and now you're sick. Before you go to school, I'm stopping by and getting you breakfast. Okay?" My mama said as she helped me up. I nodded and reached for my toothbrush. After doing my morning routine and putting on my clothes, I waited outside in my mom's car. I felt my phone vibrating my in my purse and looked to see Nessie calling. "Hey girl, you need a ride?" She asked. "No, my mom is taking me." I said holding my head. "You okay?" She asked. "No I feel sick. I threw up this morning and everything." I told her. "And you're still coming to school?" Nessie asked. "I don't think it's that big of deal. My mama said it's because I didn't eat last night." I said.

"Well did you?" She asked. "I only ate chips." I said rubbing my head. "Girl no wonder you're sick. The fuck is chips?" Nessie lectured. "Say the lectures. My mama already did it." I told her. "Alright, you ready?" My mama asked as she put the twins in the backseat. I nodded and watched as she got in the car. "I'm at the school already, just text me when you get here. I'll most likely be at the student lounge." Nessie said before hanging up. I leaned my head back on the seat and took a deep breath.

"Ms. Berry, your 9:00 is here." Kelly said into the pager. "Send em up please." I said. Minutes later, I saw my soon to be husband walking in. "Jay? What are you doing here, where is my 9:00?" I asked getting up from behind my desk. "They're outside waiting but I needed to come see you before I go." He said. "Go? Go where?" I asked. "Clevis wants me and the boys to go ride with him, trust me I'll be safe and careful." He said kissing my forehead. "Jay." I said. "Listen, you want a drama free life right? Trust me when I say ima be careful. Alright? I love you, I'll call you just as soon as I'm back home." He said. He kissed me on my lips and left out the door. I welcomed in my 9:00 and got ready on our session.

"I've always promised myself to never ever go back down the road of this mafia. Last time I did this shit I was 25 years old. Here I am, 57 and this shit still going on. And I'll be damned if I spend my last years on this earth fighting for this mafia. I will end this shit now and forever." My mom said as she grabbed her guns out the armory and carried them out to her van. "Mom are you sure? This time of day?" I asked her. It was broad daylight. "If I get caught then so be it. You just don't understand Stacia. This shit gets tiring. That poor baby Aaliyah and her friends. Threatened by Vincent. Selena's family, threatened by Tanya. Our family, threatened by those bitches called an empire. I won't have it." She said.

"Mom what are we going to do? How are we going to  get them all together?" I asked. "We are going to fight. If that means one by one then so be it, and if that means risking my life for those I love. Then so be it." She said. "Mama don't speak like that. Nobody's life will be risked." I said. "This isn't a silly game of dodgeball Stacia! This is real life. This is not a game, this is a choice. Either we live with this drama or die fighting for those we want better for. Clevis and the boys are on the way. Not one word to Selena about this until everything is over. Okay Stacia?" She asked me. "Yes ma'am." I said nodding. I helped her get everything in the van and got in with her. I sighed deeply knowing that I might not ever see my best friend again. So I sent her a quick text.

Me: Some people are put in each other lives for 2 reasons. To learn from and to grow from. You never know which one is which until you meet them. We never grew apart meaning we were sent to learn from each other. You're my only sister, the only person I trust with my life. I've learned at lot from you. Like how to whoop ass when needed, how to defend myself when needed but most importantly, I learned how to move on when it's time. And I learned that from you. Thank you for being that one special part of my life. I love you SisterGirl, stay safe ❤️ .

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