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"Don't stress it, you gon be fine. Call me if anything goes down and you wanna come home." Dad said before pulling off the school grounds. I took a deep sigh and walked in the school. I heard people mumble as I walked passed them. "Aaliyah?!" I heard. I turned around and seen Vanessa walking towards me. "Vanessa? You got adopted too?" I asked her. "Seems like I was wrong. People do want teenagers." She said. She looked at me and smiled. "I have to find my class but we can maybe sit with each other at lunch?" I suggested. She nodded and we went our separate ways. I walked into a classroom and sat down in a seat in the back. "You in my seat." I looked up and saw some girl standing over me. "We have assigned seats?" I asked. I guess what I said was funny because the other students started to laugh.

"I guess you thought that was funny." The girl said. "Ms. Meyers sit down." The teacher said as she stood up to write something on the board. The girl sucked her teeth and sat somewhere else. My phone dinged and it was a text from my auntie.

Aunt Stacy 💞: Hey , you at school ?
Me: Yeah
Aunt Stacy 💞: How you liking it so far ?
Me: I saw one of the girls who was at the adoptive facility with me. She's here and some other girl just got mad about a seat 🤦🏾‍♀️
Aunt Stacy 💞: Don't sorry about them typa girls , they be the jealous hoes who be wanting attention
Me: Clearly

"I believe I should hold your phone until the end of class." The teacher said. "What?" I asked. "I said bring me your phone. You'll get it back when class is over." She said. "No, my auntie was checking on me. I'm not allowed to talk to her?" I asked. "You're in the 9th grade. You've been in school before, you know the cell phone rule." She said. "Maybe I don't know the cell phone rule at this bullshitting school." I blurted. The class grew quiet and looked at me. "Principal's office, now!" She yelled. "And that's where?" I asked, the whole class laughed. "Get out, now." The teacher said. I grabbed my notebook and phone and got up. "Now my seat stank." The girl, who almost cried over the chair, said. "Maybe if you close yo legs and shut yo mouth, you won't smell shit." I said before leaving out the classroom.


"She called this school a bullshitting school and refused to give her phone up." The principal told my dad. "She tried to call me out on never being in school before. Teachers have records of students and I'm pretty sure she knew that I was in a foster home, yet she tried to make it seem like I was in school my whole life." I said. "Be quiet." Dad said as he looked at me. I looked at him then looked away. "She'll be serving detention on today since this is her first offense and first day here. Another out burst like that and she'll be suspended." The principal said. Jay nodded his head and we left out the office. "I had to talk to you in a strict way in front of her. Make myself look like a firm parent." Dad said as he looked at me. "I'm not mad at you, at least you're defending yourself. Do not tell your mother or your aunt about your teacher. Please don't." He said making me laugh.

"I won't." I said. We were starting to go out separate ways until a dude walked up to me. "You the new girl right?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "You had the class dying, I'm Derek." He said. "I'm Aaliyah." I told him. "My daughter, Aaliyah is my daughter. Now go." My daddy said. "Dad stop. But why did you come looking for me?" I asked. "You left your schedule. We got the same class next, I can walk with you there." Derek said. "She can walk alone." Dad said making me laugh. "Time for you to go dad." I said. I looked at Derek and smiled. "Come on before we're late." I said as me and Derek started to walk away. "Watch those hands!" My dad yelled making us laugh. "Overprotective huh?" He asked. "That's not even the half." I said making him laugh. He walked me to my class and looked at me.

"Well, we're here." He said. I was starting to walk in the class but he grabbed my hand. "This teacher isn't like the last one. He's aggravating and always going on about this empire he defeated once upon a time." Derek said. "Empire?" I asked. "That's our reaction as well." Derek said. "Come in, come in." The teacher said as he stood to the door. He looked at me and nodded. "Welcome welcome." He said as me and Derek walked in. "My name is Mr. Vincent, I will be your Social Studies teacher." He said. "I'm notice the other teachers, I do not pass out a handful of work. I give you notes, a worksheet, and you're done." He said. "Young lady, may you introduce yourself?" He asked me. "Oh, um. My name is Aaliyah Berry, I'm 14 years old, I have a little brother and sister. And that's it. I'm new here." I said. "No friends?" He asked. "My friends are where I was before I moved." I told him. "And where's that?" He asked. I smiled as shook my head. He smiled back and said he understood before I took my seat.

"Well a little about me, my name is Mark Vincent. And I'm gonna tell you part 5 of how the Shadow Empire defeated the Malone Mafia."

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