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The same night....
"My boy done finally settled down." Carter said sipping on some water. "Right, finna get hitched." Dee said laughing. "So, when's the wedding?" He asked. "I don't know. We haven't set a date yet. We haven't even started planning yet. Lena said she wants to wait before we start planning." I said. "I don't blame her. It's still a lot of drama going on. You don't want that at the wedding." Carter said. "Plus, ain't Tanya pregnant with your child?" Dee asked. "No. She's not. She's lying, either she's not pregnant or that's not my baby. I pulled out of her plenty of times." I said. "Aye uh, you sure you wanna be saying that out loud? Your fiancé is in the other room." Carter said looking out the door.

"Y'all know what I mean. Tanya is lying, she just wants to get under Selena's skin." I said. "Hey dad, me and Derek finna go to the movies. I'll be back later." Liyah said as she walked in my room. "Wearing that?" I asked. She was wearing a crop top and a too little too tight mini skirt. "What's wrong with it?" She asked. "Looks like you have on nothing." Dee said throwing his can away. "Right, you got on shorts?" Carter asked. "Shorts? No, my shorts will show." Liyah said. "Meaning that skirt is too short. Your shorts are short enough as it is, so if the shorts show under the skirt that means the skirt is too short." I said. "Change." I told her. "My mama said I looked good." Liyah said. "Well I'm telling you to change." I said. She sucked her teeth and walked out.

Not even a minute later, Selena came through the door. "Why you told my baby to change?" She asked brushing past Dee and Carter. "The skirt was too short Lena." Carter said. "She was fine." Lena said. "Baby she looked like a h-" "A what?!" She said. "Not the way a teenager suppose to look." I said. "You want her to look like a grandma?" Lena asked. "No but I don't want her dressing like that either." I said kissing her forehead. "Okay how about this?" Liyah asked walking in. I swear this outfit was worse than the first one. "Hell nawl." I said. "Awe you look so cute." Lena said. "What?!" I said. "Lena that is worse than what she had on to begin with." Dee said. "It's a romper. Get over it." Lena said. "Where's the rest of it?" I asked. "It's a tube top romper. It's made into shorts. It's suppose to be like that Jay." Lena said.

"Can I go now?" Liyah asked. "No." I said. "Yes." Lena said. "Go have fun." She said kissing Liyah on the forehead before letting her leave. "She has a very colorful closet." Carter said. "She's on her way to being a fashion designer. Some of the dresses and shirts she have she made." Lena said. "Fashion designer for who? Hookers?" Dee asked. "Would y'all stop it? She doesn't have long until she's 18." Lena said. "No but she has enough time until then." I said.

"What movie we watching?" I asked. "It's a new Conjuring. Unless you don't wanna see it yet." Derek said. "I been waiting to see it." I said. "I already got the tickets. They at my house, we can swing by there and get them." He said as he stopped at a red light. "I thought Vanessa was with you." He said. "She went home shortly after my dad proposed to my mom. You should've seen it." I said. Once the light turned green, Derek started to make a turn but it wasn't long til we were being pulled over. "Ah shit, what now?" He said as he put the car in park. The officer came knocking on the window and waited for Derek to roll it down. "Yes sir?" Derek asked as he rolled the window down. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" The officer asked. "No sir, I don't." Derek said.

"Your tail light is out also your car was reported as doing suspicious activity. Do you know why that is?" The officer asked. "No sir." Derek said. "Where are you leaving from?" The man asked. "I just picked my girlfriend up from her parents house." Derek said. "And where are you heading?" The man asked. "To my house to get movie tickets and then to the movies." Derek answered. "Look, I'm gonna let this slide. I advise you to get your tail light fixed, try to avoid the back streets, and stay safe kids. Have a nice day." The officer tapped the car and then walked off. Derek rolled up his window and drove off. "Suspicious activity? We only been to my house." I said. "Just probably some misunderstanding. Don't worry about it." Derek said.

It didn't take long for us to go from his house to the movie theater. Derek handed in the tickets and we found us a seat in the back. "We chose he right time of night to come. It's good and dark." I said. "Yeah, meaning if we get any ideas, nobody will see us." Derek said leaning over and kissing me. I kissed him back and pulled away smiling. By the looks of it we were the only ones in there, so we didn't waste no time doing what we really wanted. "Ah shit baby." He said as I stuck his dick in my mouth. In the mist of me sucking him, he tapped my shoulder and pulled down my romper so I could be on top of him. He placed his dick inside me leading me to let out a deep breath followed by a moan. He choked me, pulling me into a kiss and we went from there. We didn't even pay attention to the movie, or anything for that matter. We just knew, it was me , him, and the dark room.

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