Chapter 5: Amelia meets Breakdown and a Reunion in the Basement?!

Start from the beginning

Winnie chuckled. "What? So you mean like God or aliens?" Winnie asked intrigued.

"Well, whatever which one it is, I hope they do it soon. Cuz I don't know how much more of my sanity can take it." Amelia said in a huff as she plopped down at her station.

"So what's up with Rosie Posie? She sick or something?" Winnie asked as she wondered why Amelia was late. 

"Well first off, make sure not to call her that in front of her or you'll be in a chokehold, again." Amelia smirked as she saw Winnie grimace at the memory.

"Secondly, yeah. She's not feeling too good so she took the day off." She explained.

"Is it really that? Or did something happen to her?" Melody signed suspiciously.

Amelia was a bit caught off guard when she asked this. Even after working with Melody for a few years, she still wasn't used to how sharp she can be. It was a little frightening.

"H-how…?" Amelia stuttered.

"Oh c'mon Ames! Even a blind person can obviously tell what's wrong!" Winnie exclaimed, which caught Amelia off guard.

"She's been acting funny for about a week now, being all jumpy and whatnot! In fact, now that I think about it…" Winnie began to think harder. "Sharona and especially Stella have also been acting weird lately. Not like Rosie, but pretty close. You have any idea Mel?" Winnie asked.

"Not that I can recall." Melody lied through her metaphorical teeth. She, being a highly trained informant, knew why Sharona and Stella had been "unsteady" as of late already. And she of course was seeing, as in dating, the Mercon intel officer. He asked her a few days ago if she would like to court him. And of course, she said yes in her soft voice which gave Soundwave shivers of pleasure every time.

But as Melody thought about that moment she couldn't help the slight smile on her face.

"Ohhh~ what's got you all smiley smiley~? Did someone finally get a boyfriend~?" Winnie asked/teased. And Melody couldn't help the playful glare she sent her way while she blushed.

"*Le Gasp*!!! You did!!! Didn't you?! Tell me his name, what he does, and what he looks like!!! Tell me, tell me, tell me!!!" Winnie excitedly bombarded her.

Amelia, though also intrigued, just shook her head and giggled at the two's antics. But before Melody could respond, the door to their office opened.

A woman of 24 years of age with black mid length hair and a pair of bright green eyes with large nerdy glasses walked in.

"Zhello ladies. I vould like to inform you zhat I am going to go on an undervater rezearch expedition vith Miss Sanchez. And vould like to inform you all zhat, if necezzary, to contact Sharona zhat if zomething happenz, to make zure you all come looking for uz, at theze coordinatez, if I'm not back vithin 48 hourz. Iz zhat understood?" She informed them in her heavy German accent. She slid a piece of paper with precise numbers written on it.

"Sure thing Quin. But, uh, why are you only taking Marisala with ya?" Winnie asked curiously.

The woman, now known as Quin, huffed with indignence. 

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