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When Maia woke up that morning, she thought she was still dreaming

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When Maia woke up that morning, she thought she was still dreaming. She looked around and it wasn't until she saw the monitor on her ankle that she knew she was out. Maia scrubbed a hand over her face as she sat up, her hands grasped the comforter before she tossed it to the other side of the bed. The last time she slept in something this comfortable was when her sister was still alive when she was still with her family. Maia let out a sigh, she knew that if she asked Sharon that she could get in touch with her family in Guatemala, but how would she be received? Do they know that she is the reason for their son dying? It was Maia's fault, she couldn't save them just like she couldn't save her sister even though she has her gifts as she heard the Agents that were in HYDRA call them. She knew they weren't gifts because all they brought her was nothing but pain.

Her stomach growled which brought her out of the state of feeling sorry for herself, she could do that another time right now she needed food. Maia's feet dragged as she walked towards the kitchen, she knew that it wasn't as big as the one she grew up with but it was perfect for her. She opened the small fridge and bent down to see what Sharon had stocked it with. It had the basics, eggs, milk, some cheese, and white bread, and she noticed that she had some sandwich meat as well. She grabbed the eggs and some cheese so she can have a simple breakfast. Maia walked toward the microwave and reached above the microwave to grab a bowl that she knew was in the cabinet.

Her brows furrowed when saw this object that was wrapped in plastic, she grabbed it along with eh bowl and regarded it carefully twisting it around to look at the words on the packing. "Ray-man," Maia said reading the name on the label, her nose turned up as she saw how much sodium was in the package and put it back in the cabinet quickly, she'll have to ask Sharon what that is about later on but she turned her focus back towards the bowl. She cracked four eggs into the bowl and whisked it up until it was all well combined, she opens the cheese container and sprinkles some cheese into the bowl, and placed it in the microwave before pressing the button for 30 seconds.

When the 30 seconds was up she took it out and stirred it up again before popping it into the microwave for 1 minute, Maia stepped away from the counter and took the eggs and cheese back towards the fridge. She closed the fridge door before stepping away and started to walk towards her bedroom, she heard the microwave go off but she ignored it in favor of making her bed. Maia straightened her pillows and tossed the sheet and comforter over the bed and flattened down with her hands before stepping away from the bed and starting to walk towards the kitchen to grab her breakfast.

Her eyes caught the landline that was on the counter, she wanted to call Sharon but she resisted, Maia knows that Sharon would want some time apart as much as that breaks her heart so ignored the ache in her heart and opened the microwave to grab her breakfast. She brought the bowl over towards the living room coffee opting to sit in front of the TV instead of sitting alone at the bar in the kitchen.

Maia spooned the eggs into her mouth, she wasn't used to the taste or texture but it was enjoyable and it reminded her of home. She was almost finished when the door knob started to turn on the front door, she tensed until she realized that it would be Sharon or the Agent guarding her door. "Hi, sorry if I scared you," Sharon said as she opened the door wider to come into the apartment. "You're fine, I'm just not used to having senses like a regular person. At least my hearing. I was just eating breakfast." Maia gave Sharon a slight smile as she pushed the bowl of eggs away from her as they had gone cold. "Oh, I'm glad you found the food that I stocked it with. If you need any more just let me or the agent know and we can get you more." Sharon carefully sat down on the chair to the left of Maia.

"Everything is perfect, I was going to ask you what the Ray-man was that was in the cabinet, it has a bunch of sodium in it." Maia frowned when she saw that Sharon was trying to hide a chuckle. "Sorry, it's just pronounced rah-man but yes it is kind of unhealthy. It's just a staple for a lot of people. If you don't like it that's fine but it's just noodles with a chicken-flavored powder." Maia nodded slowly as she listened to Sharon's explanation.

The two of them were silent for a few seconds until Maia looked down at her fingers before looking back up to Sharon. "Have they found Agent Lewis yet?" She asked carefully, Sharon let out a sigh before shaking her head. "They haven't, she's still in hiding wherever she is but I won't rest until they find her because you deserve to be free Maia." Sharon reached over and cover Maia's clasped hands with hers and squeezed comfortingly, Maia smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Oh my god, Maia. Stay still." Sharon said taking her hand away from Maia's quickly. "What it is?" Maia said sensing the urgency in Sharon's voice, despite what Sharon said she glanced over to her right to see a red dot hovering on her shoulder. She gasped, she didn't have to see who it was. She knew it was Agent Lewis.

Time slowed down as the bullet pierced the bullet-proof glass of the window and entered her shoulder, Maia flopped back onto the couch as she watched Sharon's eyes widen and reached for her phone. Presumably to call the proper authorities. "Stay awake for me Maia, please." Sharon's hand grasped the wound trying to stop the bleeding, Maia's eyes fluttered as she looked at Sharon's face, she was at peace. If she died right now, she would at least be looking at the most beautiful girl in the world.

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