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Maia gave a curious sniff to the air as she blindly felt her hands around, today was training which meant she was blindfolded and she had earplugs in her ears that were specifically designed for her so instead of just filtering sound she couldn't ...

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Maia gave a curious sniff to the air as she blindly felt her hands around, today was training which meant she was blindfolded and she had earplugs in her ears that were specifically designed for her so instead of just filtering sound she couldn't hear anything. They were making sure each of her senses was in perfect shape.

Maia had a feeling this had something to do with letting Bucky go but she would rather be put through these tests than having led HYDRA back to Bucky. Maia gulped as she froze, the task was to try to find whatever they put in the maze which Maia wasn't allowed to know what it was beforehand so it was another disadvantage for her.

She sniffed the air before tilting her head to the right, she smelled something sweet. It was a new scent so Maia had a feeling she was getting closer. She walked to where she thought the scent was coming, she was right on top of it but she knew something was wrong. She smelt the sweetness but she also smelt cologne, she ducked just in time for her to feel a woosh across her face.

She figured that was air from whatever attacked her, she blindly reached out and yanked on what she thought was a leg and ran. This was a part of the training Maia had decided, they were testing her. She itched to break the rules and take out one of her earplugs but she knew she would be in trouble if she did that. Maia reached out and felt the wall so she took a deep breath and put her back against it, she pulled her hair down and put it up in another bun.

Feeling like she wouldn't be attacked another she gave the air another sniff, she expected to smell the faint sweetness again but it was gone, instead, it was replaced, with a sharp sour smell. She gulped to push down the vomit that threatened to make an appearance, she knew what that smell was. It was ingrained in her ever since she's been with HYDRA, it was the smell of rotting flesh.

She could feel her lips moving but she couldn't hear what she said, she didn't even realize she said something. She put her hands on her knees before taking in a sharp breath, the sooner she found the body the sooner she could get out of here. She itched to rub her eyes but resisted as she would get hurt if the blindfold shifted and then she would have to do this all over again.

Maia took another sniff of the air, her brows furrowed as she realized it was in front of her. She reached her hand to make sure nothing was in front of her before taking a slow step away from the wall. Her hands shook as she held them out in front of her, she froze when they hit something hard. She felt around before she realize it was a person. The person grabbed her around the waist, Maia kicked backward and the person let her go. She turned around where she knew the person was and reared her hand back before punching the person in the face, she knew it hit because she felt the crunching of someone's nose under her hand but she didn't worry about it because turned around and took off running.

She took another deep breath and she realized that the smell was getting stronger, once again she gulped down the vomit that threatened to make an appearance. Maia brought her hand up to her mouth and wiped the small bit of salvia that had pooled around the corners of her mouth, she turned to her left and started to follow the smell, that's when she smelled it. She could smell the very faint smell of cologne again so someone was following her.

She picked up speed and followed her senses that she knew would lead her to the rotting flesh, tears prickled in her eyes when the smell started to get stronger. She blinked quickly to get them away, she couldn't see but she didn't fancy feeling the tears in her eyes even blindfolded.

Her stomach quenched when she felt around and her hand hit it, it was raised Maia found out. The person following her froze behind Maia as Maia was standing in front of the table, she hesitantly reached her hand out but pulled her hand back quickly at the last minute deciding she didn't want to know what was there instead she turned around and pulled off the blindfold blinking to get used to the unusually bright room.

She saw the man in front of her talking but she remembered she still had the earplugs in, she shakily reached up and took them out. She winced when she heard the buzz of the building along with the tons of agents talking. "Cool it, Ward, you're just pissed she broke your nose." Maia faintly heard Dana say to someone, she looked behind the man who had his arms crossed in front of her and that's when she saw it, Dana was talking to this guy named Ward who had a bad cut on his nose and you could tell Maia had knocked it out of place.

She winced in sympathy before turning back towards the guy in front of her. "Did I pass?" Maia's voice croaked as she tried to sound not too excited about leaving this room. "You did fine, we have a couple more things you need to work on but for today. You did fine." The man in front of her said, Maia, pressed her lips together before nodding.

That was as good as a critique as she was going to get, Maia was used to not being good enough. Even though they pushed her she was always told she can do better, but Maia took it in stride. She nodded her head and held her hands out for them to be put in shackles but instead Dana walked up to them and whispered something to the agent standing in front of Maia, he nodded and walked away. "We have an assignment for you," Dana said before gesturing for Maia to follow her out of the maze.

Maia's brows furrowed before she gulped and asked hesitantly. "Who?" Dana handed Maia the yellow file that Maia didn't see that Dana was holding. "We need you to do surveillance on Marion Hollande, make sure she hasn't moved from this address. You need to do this and do it correctly, it comes from the higher-ups." That made Maia pause, she nodded and flipped open the folder. In bright red ink, it said do not interact which was interesting but it told Maia that this was important and that she couldn't fail or Maia might not live to see next week.

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