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They haven't come back to berate Maia for whatever information they needed on Marion Hollande so Maia assumes that they got what they needed although the last time Maia assumed it caused her 2 broken ribs and a black eye

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They haven't come back to berate Maia for whatever information they needed on Marion Hollande so Maia assumes that they got what they needed although the last time Maia assumed it caused her 2 broken ribs and a black eye.

Maia clasped her hands on her stomach as she laid back on the bed, she wasn't fully relaxed. Her shoulders were drawn up as she listened to what was going out around her, at first they made Maia's cell soundproof but the longer Maia was with them the more relaxed they became so Maia got a regular cell. That meant though Maia could hear everything, the worst part was when Maia could hear the screams of other prisoners.

It would be a wake-up call for Maia to the fact that she knew she was only around because she was useful but once she wasn't useful anymore they would toss her away like trash. The thought sent a full-body shiver through Maia, she looked around at her cell before sitting up with a huff.

Maia didn't know what time it was but her stomach was beginning to growl, for all she knows they haven't fed her until yesterday. Time wasn't normal in the cell because Maia had no way to track it. Maia got up off the bed and barely winced when her bare feet felt the cool concrete below her, she walked towards the wall and ran her hands over the indents that she's made over her time here.

It has to be over a thousand Maia thinks to herself, Maia winces as she uses her nail to dig another line in the wall. She takes a step back until the back of her legs hits her bed, she sits down with a sigh. She was beginning to get tired, not just physically but mentally as well. Maia wouldn't even begin to understand how to escape, she remembers that they told her if she ever tried to escape they would kill her parents so Maia never tried it.

She knows that they were lying about someone following her but Maia can't take the chance that they are lying about her family because she would never forgive herself if something happened to them, she failed to protect Marisol so she can make it up to her parents by staying away.

Maia froze when she heard footsteps, instead of turning like they normally do they started to get closer so whoever it was, they were coming to her. "Food, step back!" A sharp voice called from on the other side of the door. "I'm far from the door." Maia croaked back tensing as the hatch was opened and Maia's food was pushed through, before Maia could move another muscle the hatch was shut.

It wasn't until she heard the footsteps walking did Maia get up and grabbed the tray of food, Maia had to eat fast before they came back from the tray. It was like playing Russian roulette, they could take a long time or they could come back before Maia has even had a chance to take a bite. Maia's stomach rolled as she looked down at the dull-looking oatmeal in the bowl, it didn't look filling but she knew that they packed it with all kinds of powders so it would be filling enough for Maia and it would keep her full.

She spooned the oatmeal into her mouth, her eyes went wide as she realized that it was warm this time unlike it usually is which is cold or lukewarm. She gulped down the warm oatmeal quickly, she grabbed the apple that had a few bruises on it but that was normal for what Maia gets.

Maia scooted the tray towards the hatch again and she stood up walking towards her bed so she can eat the apple. As she bit into it the juices exploded into Maia's mouth, she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the walls and let out a moan of pleasure as the juices dripped out of her mouth she didn't get a lot of fruits or vegetables so whenever Maia did she had to savor it.

As she chewed her apple Maia let her thoughts wander, she realized that they haven't made her train in a while because they like to keep her on a training regime which was two training courses a week but since Maia was out on a mission she missed her last training session but since she brought her attention to it she began to listen to her surroundings closer.

"Are you sure she's ready for this?" Ben said faintly, Maia gulped as she stopped chewing to listen to what was going on. "She's ready, she's been here long enough she needs to learn how to use guns." Dana's voice replied to Ben and that's when Maia's started to race, in all her years in HYDRA they have never given her a gun but whatever training they had next was going to involve a gun. "I still think it's a bad idea, she's a prisoner for god sake. Sure we gave The Asset a gun but he was brainwashed to do whatever we want. Linden is not." Maia let out a sigh of relief at Joepsh's response, Maia doesn't like any of them but least of all Joesph because of how he treats her like an object, not a human so it was surprising that Maia would agree with him, at least on this.

"I understand, but the higher up asked for this and all I'm saying is one run through. If she fails then no harm on us right?" Dana said, Maia could hear their footsteps as they started to walk away, and soon Maia couldn't hear them at all which meant they were out of Maia's range.

Maia put her hands on her face and moved her hands up and they tangled in her hair. She moaned pulling at her hair slightly before laying sideways with her back towards the door, this was a risky position for Maia but she didn't care because she was going to have to use a gun soon, which meant she had to fail for the first time since she was HYDRA.

 She moaned pulling at her hair slightly before laying sideways with her back towards the door, this was a risky position for Maia but she didn't care because she was going to have to use a gun soon, which meant she had to fail for the first time ...

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