"Over there with the guys." With his head, he signals to a tall table toward the right side of the building. She meets the gaze of the three guys from the bus stop, but her eyes lock on Manuel's, and her smile gradually fades.

"I should go," she mumbles then turns away from him, but before she can take a step he takes her left hand in his right.

"Wait." She veers her head to look at his hand, then his eyes. "I wanted to apologize for earlier."

"What're you apologizing for," she asks him and he returns his arm to his side. She faces him.

"Well, the guys were making jokes at the bus stop and I don't know if you have thick skin or not, so I'm sorry for them if they hurt your feelings." She silently stares at him with her eyes narrowed and when she opens her mouth to admit that she's vexed, a familiar voice interrupts her.

"Judy," David calls for her. She glances over her shoulder and when she spots him at the exit, she heaves a sigh.

"Who's that," Jerome asks with his eyes on the lanky man approaching them. He's wearing dark jeans and a crimson red turtleneck.

"That's my boyfriend," she answers while shaking her head. "My mom played matchmaker before we enrolled here."

"I would ask how long you've had that problem," he says, referring to David. "But you answered that question." He chuckles and she lets out a weak laugh. David stands to her right and he looks Jerome from head to toe, tossing his left arm around Judith.

"Jude, who's this," he asks her.

"She and her friend game with me at the seven eleven down the road," he answers before she can.

"Really? How often," David questions. He lowers his arm and Judith can feel her stomach drop when she remembers the promise that she broke; she was supposed to eat with him during their break.

"It was just that once. Mary and I went to get hotdogs and we lost track of time," she quickly speaks. Jerome pulls his lips into a straight line, then slowly backs away from them.

"I'll see you around, Judy," he tells her. When she nods her head, he returns to his table of friends.

"I'm sorry I didn't eat with you, Davie. I was so caught up in everything that I forgot. Please forgive me?" She flashes her doe eyes at him and he shakes his head.

"Are you falling out of love with me," he asks her in a lower voice, folding his arms.

"No, of course not!" He stands in front of her where Jerome was, his arms crossed over his chest. "I would tell you if I ever did. Okay?"

"You promise?" He raises his eyebrows and tilts his head slightly to show his seriousness.

"Yes, I promise," she assures him and he takes a deep breath. He glances at the exit just as Mary enters. "You mean a lot to me and I wouldn't waste your time or hurt your feelings by lying about mine."

"I believe you, but we'll discuss this more later," he says with his attention on Mary. She's standing at the campaign table, staring at the two of them. "Don't look now, but I think someone's watching us."

Judith follows his gaze after a few seconds of silently staring at each other, then she shakes her head. "That's the girl that Jerome was talking about. Her name is Mary."

When she fans her over, Mary rushes to her side with a wide grin that Judy's never seen on her before. David tightens his grip around her, licking his lips with his head lowered.

"Who's got you smiling," Judy asks her once she reaches her right.

"Derek Oliver. You probably don't know him but he's the hottest guy in the mechanics building," Mary answers, then emits a lovelorn sigh as her eyes briefly land on David. "He invited me to a party tonight and you have to come with."

"I don't know who that is and parties aren't my thing. Besides, my boyfriend and I have plans for tonight." David looks at Judith, and Mary's eyes light up.

"Boyfriend," she repeats, glancing at David who does the same. "When did this happen and why wasn't I informed? Who is he? Is it that tall guy with the dreads? You know, the one we played Space Jungle with?"

"I'm going to my dorm," he softly informs them, lowering his arms and shaking his head in disbelief. "Have fun at the party, Judith."

"David," she sorrowfully calls for him when he removes himself from the conversation. He strolls toward the double doors and she turns to Mary who's watching him leave. "That was my boyfriend; not Jerome."

"Really," she asks sarcastically, then meets Judith's gaze. "Well, that's unfortunate. I honestly think Jerome is much better arm candy."

"Stop. I'm with David and I love him, and Jerome probably has a girlfriend too," she asserts. The ends of Mary's mouth twitch and she clears her throat to stop it. "Back to this party situation. When did you get an invite? I thought you were in class."

"Oh, my Professor ate a slice of pecan pie from the culinary class so the lecture is canceled for the rest of the day since he's at the hospital," she informs her, and Judith's eyes briefly widen. "I'm convinced that he's trying to kill himself before the semester is over." Judith licks, then bites her lips as she lowers her gaze. "Anyway, I was walking to my dorm room and this blond-haired and blue-eyed hunk runs up to me from behind. He walked me to my dorm and on the way there we talked, then when he got me to my door, he asked me to come to the party at Alpha Psi Delta. I said that I would bring my drop-dead gorgeous friend so if you don't want me to seem like a liar, then you have to come."

The corners of Judith's lips curl into a smile despite her futile attempts to avoid it. With a playful eye roll, she looks at her and says, "Alright, I'll go."

Moose and GooseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora