Chapter eleven

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Those three witches set Lucien on edge. As he sat at the dinning table in the great hall he tried to focus on his mashed tartar and hash and ignore them but he couldn't help but glance around the table every now and then in fear. Beautiful and great dignitaries from all over the realms had dined at this table and Lucien cringed at the lowly guests his prince, no, King, had allowed such a privilege.

The only blessing was that the creepy witches were seated across from him, though the crazed King of Kanuse seated on his left was no comfort. He felt as if he was surrounded by evil and pettiness. Even the Newly crowned king seated on his right, at the head of the table, made Lucien cringe lately.

He had been friends with Elias and his family for many years, and he alone had remained great friends with Elias, when everyone had gone from the palace. Elias always had an air of serenity, fashion, and pride about him that Lucien admired. Looking at the prince now, he still had the same traits but now Lucien was beginning to see them for the negative qualities they were. He was not fashionable; he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He wasn't proud; he looked vain. And, where there was once tranquility, he was beginning to see it might just be calculated cruelty.

"Once this meal is over we shall go to the cells in the lower level, get what you were promised, and then I would like for you to leave" Elias spoke coolly to King Mikahl in between bites.

Lucien looked up towards a surprisingly cheerful King Mikahl "Gladly, your highness. This place is too cold and boring for my tastes."

"Hmm is that so? The magnificence of Zenith is probably too much for your mind to grasp seeing as how you dwelled in a hole all your life." Elias replied looking at his plate.

"Now boys let's stop this. I'm in no mood for another pissing contest." The witch in glasses replied "I'm trying to eat in peace here"

"Yeah all your squabbling could ruin my uhh... appetite" The curly haired witch said with a disgusted sneer at her mashed Tartar "... yeah I aint eating this shit Icy"

The witch named Icy slammed her glass down and stood up "Then don't, witch! Enough of this bickering what are we even doing here? You promised me those stupid Winx would suffer and they have all just been sitting in that cell for 3 days. We held up our end of the deal and its time you upheld yours" She leaned forward and grabbed King Elias's chin and said, in a voice so close to a hiss it sent shivers down Lucien's spine, "don't make me take your new toy away, boy" Toy? Was she talking about his crown?

Prince Elias stared at Icy calmly and with all the haughty arrogance of someone who thinks they now rule the world "remove your hand"

Icy made no indication but she smiled wide like the Cheshire cat and ice crackled from the tips of her fingers. Elias kept his face calm and regal but Lucien saw a muscle in his face twitch, the only sign of either fear or irritation, he could detect. "I will not ask again. Remove. Your. Hand."

She took another couple seconds to make some point but eventually relinquished the king. "I'm done playing tea party with you. Stormy, Darcy, lets go have some fun with the losers"

"So impatient. I said we were all going down there after this meal but do what you like. Lucien and I will finish our meal like civilized people." Elias said and continued his meal calmly.

"Whatever Princeling." And with that Icy, Darcy, and Stormy sashayed out of the room.

With the scariest people out of the room Lucien felt a little safe and asked Elias "Sire, I'm still so confused on what is happening. Why is the company of light imprisoned? Weren't they our allies? Weren't they helping you look for someone?"

Elias sighed with exaggeration "I told you Lucien. They orchestrated the ambush that killed My brother and his wife and then they tried to kill me. They are traitors."

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