Chapter seven

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"Tecna please! Wait up!" Timmy said as he ran after a pissed off Tecna.

She kept on walking fast like she hadn't heard him.

"Tec Im sorry!"

Tecna turned around so fast that Timmy flinched and stopped abruptly as she screamed in a heavy accent. "Your sorry?! You both acted like a couple of children in there fighting over their favorite toy! How do you think that made me feel Timmy!?" Sighing, some of her anger had been alleviated, and then she continued on more calmly "I don't know what I expected from Lial, its been so long since I have seen him, but I definitely expected better from you." And then she turned and kept walking, but slower this time.

Timmy jogged up till he was walking right beside her "I didn't think about that Tecna.. im really sorry its just... I know that hes in love with you and hes a prince and... I don't know I just got really insecure... I know that's no excuse and I truly am sorry."

"Look, Timmy, I don't know if Lial likes me or not and I honestly don't care. I am with you. Not him." Blushing, she stumbled to get the next words out "I truly am in love with you Timmy I would never leave you or cheat on you and it hurts that you would doubt that... Lial is no threat to you."

Timmy also turned a shade of crimson at her words but still he managed to say "I never doubted you Tecna I just... I don't trust him. I know he is your friend but this is the first time I'm meeting him. I don't know him like you do. All I know is that he may or may not have killed his own father, he may be conspiring against his brother, and that he wants you Tec. I fear he may go to any length to get you and I'm honestly afraid for all of our safety from him."

She wanted to roll her eyes at this mistrust in Lial but she had to concede there was some logic in what he was saying. "I can see your point of view, I honestly can, I just don't agree with it. He has been my friend for many years and I will treat him as such and I hope you can understand that just as I will try and understand your mistrust of him and accept it."

Shrugging Timmy reached for the handle on the door of their bedroom. "Fair enough... Just promise to be careful around him and don't go anywhere alone with him; please."

She didn't want to agree to such a controlling promise but she really did understand his concern and plus she could use this to her advantage. "Fine as long as you promise to be nice to him when he is with us."

"Deal" Timmy agreed and then opened the door to their room and held it open for Tecna to enter first. He followed her into the room quietly and the door shut behind him with a click. Timmy sat down on the end of the bed to untie his boots and then slip them off. Once his feet were bare he turned toward Tecna who was standing with her back towards him in front of a dresser, removing her jewelry. He watched her breath in deeply and exhale with a sigh before reaching behind her neck to unclasp her necklace. Timmy quietly got off the bed and walked up behind her and removed the necklace for her. After reaching around her to set it on the dresser he wrapped his arms around her. "I really am sorry Tecna. I didn't mean to add to your stress."

His kissed her cheek and was about to let go when she grabbed on to his arm and leaned her head back against him "I know Timmy. You didn't add to my stress its just... what if your right about Lial? What would that mean about our mission? Is King Mikahl even here or was this all a trap? And Sending Eli, Elain, and my father out earlier... could they be in danger?"

Timmy's arms tightened around her and he buried his face into her neck. "We cant possibly find the answers to those questions right now Tecna. We just have to do what we can with the information we have, try and find that vagrant king mikahl, and just be on our toes."

Tilting her head to side she rested it against his head and whispered "I know" and sighed as she released his arm. When his arms around her loosened in turn and he lifted his head, she turned in his arms and then pressed herself to him. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she tucked her head under his chin. Closing their eyes, they were content to just stay like that for a while. His arms tightened around her hips and one hand pressed against her back. The hand that she pressed against the back of his head was petting his messy fiery locks in a calming rhythm. "Timmy I... I love you." She stammered out.

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