Back to ... nothing

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“f*ck, f*ck, f*ck” how do I come out of this mess? I don’t want to panic but it’s the only thing I can think about, how f*cked up everything is. Okay Em, calm your tits. I slowly looked around…, this is weird. I’m in the basement but I can see the sky.

“Huh, there used to be a roof above me—” I looked further, it also felt windy…

“Oh no, there used to be a HOUSE around me!” After a few minutes of lying incredibly still I decided that it was time to stand, I pushed the remaining wood– who did btw an amazing job protecting me –off of me. As I stood, it finally hit me, this ‘attack’ destroyed everyone and everything I hold dear. Well…, held dear.

They leveled most of the buildings. It looked like a pubg map, but damn, this is awful. While I’m taking in the destruction, I suddenly hear voices.

“Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, Pixel we need to— pixel?” of course you ran away, Urgh traitor! The voices came closer, I ran. What a terrible f*cking idea Em, you almost break your neck and decide to run? I expected pain but felt nothing.

“What the f*ck?” did the woman heal me? Is that even possible? Never mind, I think everything is possible at this point. I ran as fast as I could, which is fast because I used to run for fun… They say that you should never turn around while being followed, but I threw that out of the window and looked around.

STUPID, someone was indeed following me and now he/she saw my face! but I got a little glance of my stalker too and holy sh*t it was the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen, high cheekbones, sharp jawline, his lips, and mouth so perfect that he could make anyone fall for him with a single smirk and eye’s full of raw emotion. His dark chocolate hair was all messy, and so, so, sexy…. oh no, F*CK—

right on his arm was the symbol I should fear with my life. I ran even faster, and I think I outran the stalker. After a few minutes— what felt like hours –of running I lost him, finally. Tears flooded my face and blurred my vision. I lost it all, my friends, my family, my home. And I need to do what? Find some stupid amethyst? I still don’t know sh*t about the amethyst and the reason why the woman needs it.

I went over our conversation over and over, maybe she gave me a message within a message? Would she? Urgh I’m going crazy! she’d said that I should avoid humans with a infinity symbol on their arm, and the person who followed me had an infinity symbol— I can’t stay here.

I sneak through the streets with ease. Despite the destruction I know my way through the neighborhood. While I slither past the streets, I can’t seem to get the infinity symbol out of my mind. What does it stand for? Why use a symbol that easy and uncreative? If you were a leader of a super evil organization, you would choose a symbol like a phoenix or a pentagon, right? or is it just me?


As I walked by a window, I saw my reflection and jumped,

“who is this girl?” I murmured to myself. Dried crusty blood smudged all over my forehead, my bronze coloured hair went every way, my lips dry as f*ck and my eyes look worn like I haven’t slept for days. Actually— this isn’t much different from my normal look, except for the blood of course. It is the look in my eye’s what makes me question everything.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a black dot coming at me, OH NO— RUN.


The Stalker,

“Does everyone know why we’re here?” The commander asked.

We’re here because it is time for revenge, after all the shit ‘they’ put us through, motherf*ckers. The whole crew thinks so, but we’re not here for personal vendetta’s— Well, I am.

“We’re here to find the traitors, Commander” one of my crew mates said.

“And what do we do if we find one?” The commander asked in response.

“We kill them, Sir!” another crew mate said. The commander looked pleased hearing the crew mate’s answer. Yes, I want to kill them, all of them. The traitors are like a virus, A. Deadly. Fucking. Disease. And we’re the only working cure.

—I hear someone, I could tell the others… No, no, this one is mine; you’re mine you piece of sh*t! I slipped away from the crew and slowly walked closer to the sound. HA, it’s just standing there, waiting to be killed. As if right on queue it starts to run, oh no I’ll not let you go! I ran fast but it ran faster, holy sh*t! I need to keep going, it cannot escape! Wait— where did it go? F*CK!


After I ran a few blocks further I saw it again,

“you’re mine.” I growled. When I saw it—her, we locked eyes for a few seconds, they say that your eyes betray you, that they will always tell you the truth, spoken or not. Well, they betrayed us because hers are full of sorrow and mine full of rage…

I slowed down— No, my body slowed down with my mind still set on killing the traitor. She got away, again!


As I made my way back to the crew, I found the girl staring in a window— staring at her reflection, I don’t get this girl. She should be celebrating the ending of this world, I’ve wasted enough time.

And ran towards her…

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