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“The world changed in just a few minutes…, but most importantly WE changed.”

You’re probably wondering what the hell I’m talking about. To be fair, I’m wondering the same thing… it happend so fast. None of us knew what was coming. I had plans– hell, everyone had plans, but the universe thought

“f*ck those plans.”

They had something else in mind for us, for this world. Have you ever read divergent? Well I didn’t, but I imagine it would be like this, like how my world is right now. Damn, I even think that this is waaaay worse, I mean my whole world got f*cked over in a split second… I think we need to start at the beginning of this shit show. It all started 5 years ago…

March, 2025.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMELIEN!” My mother yelled standing right next to my bed.

I don’t get why people always feel the need to scream happy birthday? As if they want you to become deaf as you get older. Anyway, I’m finally 18! I can legally buy alcohol or drive a car– not that I want to, cars are literal death machines! –but it’s legal in the Netherlands and in all of Europe. That’s right I’m fully Dutch and I’m proud of it!

“Em, get up! Don’t be lazy it’s your BIRTHDAY.” My mom yells…, again.

Em is my nickname, everyone calls me that since Emmelien is too long for them...

“Oh really, it is?”
trying not to sound too sarcastic and I grinned back at my mom who btw changed from screaming to dancing on happy birthday music. but she stops dancing and decided that it took me to long, so she jumped on my bed. Her move shocked me so I rolled aside and fell flat on the floor, thanks mom. I don’t think she heard me because she looked around and called my name

“Em, honey? Where’re you?”. She rolled over and saw me hugging the floor “what’re you doing?”.

“Well mom, I’m smooching the floor. I just missed it so much.” She looked at me as if I was the crazy one

“you crazy girl!”

Yes mom I’m very crazy. I stood up and while I walked to my closet she said “We can’t do anything special tonight, Casper and I both need to work. I’m sorry hun.”

It isn’t really a big surprise. My mom and my bonus dad (Stepdad sounds sooo evil) work mostly evenings shifts in the hospital, there’re saving lives so I’m okay with it.

“it’s okay mom” I say with a hint of disappointment in my voice
“save a few lifes and I’ll call it even.”

My mom is amazing and she has a heart of gold but sometimes it’s a bit much, with her working all the time. My father isn’t much better. He works 24/7 as a trucker, so yeah that marriage wasn’t meant to last long.

When I turned around I saw my mom studying me
“Are you sure sweetie?”

I knew she would cancel if she could so ofcourse it’s okay
“Yes mom go to work, I can handle the world without you for a few more hours.”

The look on her face brightened immediately and after a few hugs and kisses she went to work. Casper was already at work and my brother Lucas at dad’s. So I have the whole house by myself! Well, almost…


“Well, well, well, speak of the devil.”

My hairy cat Pixel miauw's extremely high pitched so that’s always fun! Not.


Pixel is the sweetest cat I’ve ever had. He always wants to cuddle and gives lots and lots of kisses, he knows no boundaries and loves to sit in your neck so, sometimes I wake up choking on his hair that– I think, no I KNOW –he deliberately put in my mouth.
A bit mischievous…but that’s the way we like him

*phone rings*

“OH look Pixel, uncle Paul is calling me.”

Uncle Paul is my hero, he really understands me, he knows what ADD is like and how it’s like to use medication for it. And he achieved so much in his life, it really gives me hope for my own future. I’m currently in college to become a landscape designer and after college I’ll go to the university and become an landscape architect!

As I walk downstairs I answer uncle Paul’s call.
“hey!! Wassup kiddo! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

for f*ucksake, AGAIN.

“hey, uncle Paul! I’m great, thank you. How are you doing? How’s work?”

I always ask ‘How’s work’ because my uncle and my brother Alexander have the coolest job ever, they’re detectives! From all the jobs in my family I’m always team detective, always have been and always will be. Saving people’s lives, fighting crime, just being a baddie with a badge. You know the usual stuff.

I hear uncle Paul chuckle, he knows that I love to hear about his adventures at work, but so does he.
“It has been really quiet these last few days, so now I have to digitalise all of our cases, because apparently the others didn’t— for a whole year!”

I could hear his frustration and giggled a little bit. I give him credit though, a whole years worth of cases is like A LOT. But still, it’s a little funny that an amazing detective like him would be assigned to a job like that.

“Oh that’s my fault, for my birthday I ordered everyone to be at their best behaviour!” I can be funny, today? Not as much. Oh god, maybe it's because I turned 18.

Suddenly it was radio silent for a few minutes “Uncle Paul are you–.”

BOOM! What the hell!

“Paul are you okay!?” I asked with my heart slamming against my throat.

I hoped that if I yelled he would answer “UNCLE PAUL, ARE YOU THERE?.”

Finally I heard a voice, he is not dead! Oh wait– don’t celebrate to early Em, he could be badly hurt I whisper to myself.

“Oh! Sorry! The old record bookshelf dropped…” I almost shit myself, thinking he could’ve died! Because of an old bookshelf! This is certainly a sign that you should never disrespect books!

“You scared the shit out of me!” I was still a bit shaken, I got a bad feeling but I don’t know why.

“don’t worry Em, but I need you to go to the basement–!” there was this slight worry in his tone
“–your present, yes I hide your present in the basement!”

For a cop you would think his lying skill were better, it sounded off, HE sounded off. I still listened and went to the basement

“okay I’m in the basement– WHAT THE HELL!” The ground went crazy, moving left and right. As if someone was bombing us!

“STAY STRONG EMMELIEN, NEVER FORGET THAT!” he screamed through the phone.

My legs were giving up on me… “I’m scared” I whispered

“I lov–.” The connection broke, F*CK.

Everything was shaking now, not only the earth but the house was swinging some moves… it went all so fast… something hit my head, hard.

I fell… I felt Pixel licking my wound, then I felt nothing. I waited for our national air attack warning alarm, but it never came…..

It went all black instead.

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