I cannot say that I belong to that drooling category because I want to focus on graduating greatly and getting in Oxford, but I'd be lying if I said that I don't get lost in his honey-brown eyes or sweet smile and those cute dimples. His intelligence is by far the most addictive things to me, I cannot have enough of him answering questions during lessons. 

Nevertheless, I never made any moves for quite a few reasons, mostly because I don't think that I am someone he'd like romantically. Basically, I don't think I am his type. 

Nicolas's P.O.V.

There she is again, looking as stunning and sweet as ever.

Martina Selina Russo. 

5'6 beautiful, petite cuteness that I haven't been able to get out of my mind ever since I laid my eyes on her.

Sporty, slim, artistic, creative, generous, selfless, kindhearted, polite, patient, honest, diligent, charming girl of divine beauty, brilliant talent, the most perfect smile and owner of the most mellifluous, the most honeyed voice. 

Angelic face with defined jawline and cheekbones, sublime brows, adorable and button-like nose that looks so damn precious and pretty, the longest and the thickest lashes adorn her spellbinding, unique, irresistible, heavenly, soft green, nearly pale green eyes that I am addicted to. Those full, plump, luscious, pink lips look so sugary and soft. Her sleek, dewy skin appears to be softer and smother than silk. Long, voluminous, lustrous, velvety hair of natural, light blonde shade that shines better than the sun ever could. That addictive, delightful, airy smell of jasmine with hints of vanilla is by far the most disorienting thing to me. 

She is everyone's dream, all girl are envious of her natural, bewitching beauty and sweet personality. Her wittiness, winsomeness and benevolence make everyone addicted to her, she is funny and her sense of humour is so flawless and precious. Her giggles are my favourite song and fuck, her smile was cerated by angels themselves. 

Gorgeous, perfect smile shows off her irresistible dimples and even, pearly white teeth. Her smile is infectious, you cannot help, but smile as you see her celestial smile.

I have a crush on her, a very big, undeniable, obvious crush on the dreamiest girl I have ever seen

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I have a crush on her, a very big, undeniable, obvious crush on the dreamiest girl I have ever seen. She is my soft spot. 

I heard about her dad, who is a really good man, but who will kill anyone, who comes anywhere nearer than a metre to hid daughter. And to hell with it, I am willing to take my chances because I can no longer stay in a classmate zone. 

"Buona fortuna, Romeo."- teased Andy as I went to her, ignoring his smug grin. (Good luck, Romeo.) 

"Ciao, Tini. Posso parlarti un momento, per favore?"- I said warmly with a smielata that I have reserved solely for her. (Hi, Tini. Can I talk to you for a moment, please?) 

"Ciao, Nic. Certo."- replied Martina, smiling so goddamn cutely, granting me all of her attention. (Hi, Nic. Of course.)

"È per te, spero che ti piacciano i tulipani."- I stated calmly, giving her the small bag and the flowers, feeling like I won the lottery with the world on top once she smiled brightly, genuinely liking the bouquet. (It's for you, I hope you like tulips.) 

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