Rise Of Favus p.2

Start from the beginning

“Yeah I thought you already had a job at Krisin’s bakery.” Ranboo who was clearly just trying to help was only adding to pressure on Tommy’s shoulders. Of course Ranboo didn’t know this, he hadn’t even caught on to what Tubbo was doing.

Tommy sighed and his shoulders slumped as he stared at his shorter roommate who was tapping his foot impatiently. “It's at the HQ.”

Ranboo’s eyes nearly bugged out of his sockets as the statement clearly woke them up, “HQ?! Tommy, are you serious? Are you trying to get us caught?” The ender hybrid was beginning to feel quite distressed.

“Okay, I know it sounds bad but I’m trying to help you.” The blonde admitted.

Tubbo just raised an eyebrow in amusement, “and how exactly is this going to help us?”

“I’m applying to work in the costume department. They repair, design and make the hero’s costumes. If I manage to work there I can help design your costumes and maybe even collect materials that would be impossible to get.” Tommy was stressed, he was trying to do what was his best for his friends and it was getting harder and harder to do.

“Tommy, what if you get caught? They could arrest you!” Ranboo exclaimed while throwing his hands up into the air in exasperation.

“Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been arrested.” The blonde joked.

“We’re just going to ignore that for now.” Tubbo said. “If you really want to go then there's nothing stopping you but please for the love of prime don’t do anything to endanger yourself.” Ranboo hummed in agreement as the blonde’s face broke out into a big smile.

“I’ll be careful, I promise.” Tommy said as he crossed his hand over his heart.

“Alright boss man, you get yourself a job.” Tubbo laughed as Tommy opened the door and left the other two roommates standing in the middle of the room with proud smiles on their faces.

Tommy Pov

I felt like the anxiety was about to eat me alive as I walked down the street, I was close enough to the hero HQ that I could see the tall tower glowing in the morning light. The people who walked by me didn’t spare me a second glance, it was much different than back in the poorer areas where everyone knew everybody.

People always would stop what they were doing to wave at you or  shout a hello but downtown no one stopped. It was a constant go, people going to work, to school, to court and everything in between there was no slowing down or stopping.

Before I knew it I was in front of the prinstene HQ building, I took in a deep breath that rattled and ricocheted in my chest as I pushed open the doors and went up to the front desk. A older woman was typing away at a computer as I tapped the bell that sat there on the counter. She looked up and smiled at me, I smiled back.

“What can I help you with sugar?” Her thick southern accent was comforting and I almost wanted to cry right then and there. She seemed like such a nice person, she was what I think a grandma should embody.

“I’m here for an interview.” I said shakily and she just beamed at me.

“Oh I heard the fashion department was in need of some more hands, I’m sure you’ll do great. I need a name though so I can sign you in.” She turned back to the computer and looked up at me as she waited for my name.

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