Chapter 4

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We finally arrive at the Brooks' household as Gina comes outside and greets us with a big hug! We walk inside as I see Jai and Beau playing FIFA in the lounge. I'm guessing Jai is winning by the look on the Beau's face. Jai has a huge grin spreading from one side of his face to the other where as Beau has a more serious, concentrating face, focusing hard on the fact that his younger brother is beating him. They haven't even noticed I'm here until my phone rings.

I reach into my pocket to get my phone and read: Kirra ❤️. I excuse myself and walk outside and answer it. "Hey Kirra" I say enthusiastically. "Hi!" she replies just as excited. "I haven't talked to you in ages, how have you been?" Kirra is my best friend from my old school. "I'm great!"
"That's good, how is everyone?"
"Yeah there all fine too but enough about me! How's your new town and new school?"
"I really like it here Kirra! Everyone's so friendly and welcoming and I met this really cute guy that lives down the street....."
"Ooooohhhhh what's his name?"
"Jai and he has a twin Luke and an older brother Beau and even better he is in a couple of my classes at school!" I whisper into the phone. "I'm so happy for you!!! Everything is starting to turn out just like you wanted!"
"You should come and visit me and I can show you around town?"
"I would love too!"
"Ok I'll text you the details tomorrow, miss you"
"Miss you too!"

I walk back inside and go sit next to Jai on the couch. I go into Instagram and start scrolling through my news feed. I hear a knock on the door and watch as Beau goes to answer it. He opens the door and I see two boys that look around the same age as Beau standing in the doorway. "Oh hey guys" Beau says "Hey Beau, remember we were going to film today?" The taller one says. "Oh yeah I totally forgot, come in and meet a friend that lives down the road. They start walking inside as Beau shuts the door behind them.
"Did Luke come "HI SKIP AND JAMES!" Jai screams right near my ear. "Hi Jai" the boys say in sync. "Hi I'm Daniel but you can call me Skip"
"Hi I'm Melanie, it's nice to meet you."
"I'm James"
"Hi James"
"So you guys said something about filming, what are you guys doing?"
"We never told her did we?" Luke says as he looks over to the boys.
"Tell me what?"
"Well.... We are you-tubers in a group called the Janoskians." Beau explains.
"Oh, that's awesome! Do you have many subscribers?"
"You could say that!" Beau replies with a bit of a chuckle.
"Do you want to watch us film?" Skip asks me. "Sure!" Jai turns off the t.v and walks over to his mum to say that we are going to the park. I go and tell Aunt Sarah that we are leaving and we make our way to the park.

Once we arrive at the park they set up the camera in front of a park bench behind a big tree. They all squash onto the seat and I hit record. "Hey guys we're the Janoskians" they all say in sync. "Today we will be doing Question and Answer." Beau says. They start reading questions that fans have asked and start answering them. Gosh, they are absolutely hilarious!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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