■33 - Skipping Down 16th Avenue■

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Sunday ~ 9:27 am


i am telling you a million dollar secret.

i missed you :(



Next time, please give me a warning before saying such things because my heart just skipped a beat

Like ~ you got my heartbeat, skipping down 16th Avenue ~ type of skipped a beat


and here i thought that you'd get all mushy and stuff and return my words *rolls eyes* but alas. sigh.


Aww, you're so cute, pixie hahahaha

Cool and I are like literally rolling on the floor and cracking our assess off!!!

Wait, come back, I was just messing around!!!!!!!

Okay, fine, I missed you too :) <333

But I was just being bitter because you were all busy with the college stuff and couldn't give me a proper reply -_-


hmph! and so i thought i could make it up to you by using the "i miss you" card.


Don't tell me that you just pulled a "card" on me!!!!

Now I am wounded so bad that even stitches can't mend them back uhuhuhuhu


notch down your dramatics.

like you said, "i was just messing around"…

i really did miss you, you doofus Bob -_-


Aww, pixie <3 *pouts cutely to melt your heart*

And you know what?

I missed you too <3

And I Lau you! You get it? GET IT?


make such puns again and i won't think twice before blocking you -_-

it wasn't funny!!!!!!!


No, because it was "punny" bahahahahaha

Hey, come back! And here I thought that you'd stop doing that by now. Sigh. Oof-

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