■19 - Thanos■

246 31 38

Sunday ~ 10:22 am


Hi pixie isnt this how he talks to you I am so excited because I finally got to talk to you I mean "Bob" lmao never lets me talk to you nor does he ever give me your username so I took the chance to talk to you because hes bringing the snacks

I am in his bedroom btw and hes in the kitchen if youre wondering



i think i just lost tons and tons of my brain cells reading that!

and who are you????


Wait reading what I didnt write anything provocative did I aww pixie the least you can do is match my excitement and bitch about Bob

And im Bobs best friend Theodore but you can call me Thanos I wish I could tell you Bobs real name but then I am as good as dead :(


LMAO! i like you already bahahahaha but you're making me lose all my brain cells.

i think Thanos suits you well because with those lack of punctuation marks, you're gonna wipe out half the universe too!


What how is it possible to kill just because I didnt use the punctuation marks that doesnt even make sense


oh no no no no no no!

have you not heard that once a judge had mistakenly put the comma in the wrong place? it got the man killed. a death sentence, to be precise. using punctuation marks is VERY important so that people don't end up losing their brain cells! and their lives as well!


Oh of course. Well Im so used to this that I forgot its new for people but yeah I am too lazy to put a comma full stop question and exclamation mark and stuff so yeahhhh…


but… but… it gives me anxiety just to look at it lmao.


Ah, well. Sorry for the slow typing but I was putting those punctuation marks for you.

Also, you're telling me but you don't even use the caps for the first letter?



have you never heard of the small letter aesthetics??????


Um… no?


that's a thing though uhuhuhuhu.

but never mind.

anyway so you had said earlier that Bob would kill you if you told me his name. soooooo…

does he talk about me?


Ooooooooh, someone's interested I see

I hope you know that I am talking through his account and that he could read these chats, right?

But ajdjfjdjdjjfkfll sjsjdjekwksksmkskss


whoa, what the hell was that? O_O

Thanos? Thanos? Thanos??? ohmigosh, are you… are you dead? should i call 911????????

This is one of my favorite chapters in this book because it was so fun to write about Thanos hahaha

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