The Centennial Tournament P1

Start from the beginning

An old man with a strong and muscular build with an authoritative aura had a dark look on his face.

“You mean to tell me that boy will enter the Ratai Tournament.”

Retsu stood before him with a determined look that was filled with honor and respect,

“With all due respect, I am being serious. He will stand at Raitai; he is more than qualified.”

“The boy is still too young. not only that, but he is being consumed by a deadly poison.”

Retsu narrowed his eyes,

“Yes, the boy is still young, and is being eaten alive by the deadly poison…. But even so, he is far more than qualified, despite his state.”

The two masters stayed silent as they had a stare-off until the older master spoke,

“Retsu. How do you plan on proving this qualifier to us?”

Retsu smirked,

“I have an idea, and with your permission, he can fight whoever is here you deem worthy of the most trustworthy of opponents in your eyes.”

“Retsu. While in Japan, you let a mere 17-year-old defeat you. Is this true? Is he the one?”

Restu nodded, “Yes, sir. His name is Hanma Baki.”

“A Hanma, you say….” Retsu’s master said to himself.

Everyone began to whisper in shock at the news.

“It’s him?”

“I can’t believe it.”

The old master called to his right student,

“Summon Cho here at once.”


“Cho, sir?”

“He’ll kill him!”

Kaioh Retsu returned to Baki as he gave him the news of his match.

“I realize what I’m asking is unreasonable, but you must overcome this obstacle. You must fight Cho!”

Baki had a ghostly smile, “Kozue. I’m grateful."

Baki stood out of bed as Kozue had a worried expression on her face.

“Retsu believes I can still fight in this condition. I can’t turn my back; he believes I can win.”

“Thank you.”

Retsu was heading out until he stopped while his back was facing Baki,


Baki looked at Retsu’s back, “Yeah?”

“Do you want me to contact Ms. Poppy and let her know of your condition?”

Baki stayed silent for a couple of seconds before he spoke, “No. Not a word of it.”

“But Baki-kun-”

Baki smiled at Kozue as he interrupted her,

“I don’t want to worry her for a small little thing. I can handle this. I don’t want to rely on Poppy-nee on all of my problems; I want to show her I can do fine on my own.”

Kozue looked down while Retsu hummed as he left the two lovers in private.
A hand swiped against the last piece of hardened mineral as it was made smooth.

The boulder’s shape was a shape of a smooth sphere with no flaws.


A training technique in which one’s own limbs….
Are used to carve a rock. Only those with well-trained fists are able to strike the rock into a sphere.

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