Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Why? He didn't know.

And that was becoming an infuriating but also interesting trend with Taehyung ever since he got himself involved with the peculiar boy. He's often found himself questioning his actions and having no answer. He couldn't say he enjoyed the feeling of not knowing what he was doing, but it was, nevertheless, an interesting feeling.

He's never pursued relationships outside of whatever he had with Jimin. So being attracted to someone like Jeon Jungkook was surprising to him. He couldn't deny his attraction or interest as he's learned that denying any truth only caused problems that could've easily been prevented.

He very much enjoyed the feeling of being around Jungkook and he was never one to shy away from enjoyable experiences. It's a reason why he stalked for long periods of Time, why he killed so often, why he stayed behind to add his signature work to his victims. They were all enjoyable experiences and he didn't plan to stop.

But Taehyung understood the problems that could arise if he pressed too far into whatever it is he and Jungkook had. His boyfriend. He knew exactly what he was walking into, however, his curiosity was at it's peak.

What could possibly happen?

He frowned when his other phone began to ring. Turning his personal phone off, he fished his family phone out of his pocket. Taehyung scoffed when he saw it was Seokjin and he contemplated just letting it ring. But he knew Seokjin would throw a tantrum if he didn't answer as he tapped the answer icon and pressed the phone to his ear.

"Where are you?" Seokjin asked, his voice too calm. It held malice, but only the trained ear could sense the venom.

"You're interrupting me," Taehyung stated, "I'm busy. I know you love talking to me, but at least wait until I arrive ho—"

"Who do you think you are, Taehyung?" Seokjin snapped, "you think you can just waltz in, attack one of your fellow members, and leave??"

The corner of Taehyung's lip twitched. "Well, I'm not familiar with the waltz. Foxtrot maybe."

"You understand that you had no right to do that, correct?" Seokjin asked.

"Well, I did have a right. Jimin offended me and, as you and Luci stated, we are allowed to retaliate and how we do so is up to us. I was creative with my retaliation."

"Ghost is a respected member. He's higher than you and Jimin."

"Authority means nothing to me."

Silence followed and Taehyung nonchalantly picked at his fingernails, cringing at the dirt that flicked out from beneath them. Jungkook would die if he saw that and that thought alone made Taehyung release a huff of air that could be considered a chuckle. He glanced up from his car, watching a woman clinging to a man quickly walk by his car. They had no idea he was watching them.

It was funny. Jungkook would've known. His sixth sense would've been activated and he would have turned and connected eyes with Taehyung. And despite Jungkook's obvious lack of self-confidence and abundant anxiety, he would've maintained eye contact.

But these people...the ones that lived freely, carelessly...they easily became victims. Because they were so unaware that Taehyung almost felt it was God's way of telling him that he should kill them. If he believed in God, of course.

"Jin? Did you hang up?" Taehyung asked, bringing himself back to reality after forgetting his boss was on the phone.

"You need to come back to Ground," Seokjin demanded, "we need to have a talk on your recent behaviour."

"Are you going to put me in time out?" Taehyung asked, "the way your dad did?"

With that, the call ended and Taehyung considered it a win. He knew that bringing Seokjin's father into the conversation was a low blow, but he quite enjoyed the way the older man got almost sick at the mere mention. Of course, Seokjin has grown to expect such foul play from Taehyung but the younger man occasionally manages to get under his skin.

Only Namjoon knew exactly what Seokjin went through as a child and the rest only knew bits and pieces. Taehyung knew enough that Seokjin's father was the devil himself.

Sighing, Taehyung started his car. He had nothing else to do today besides pick Jungkook up from the park where he promised to be at after his bus ride. So he had time to kill and what better way to kill it than meeting with a pouting Seokjin?


Word Count: 1395

This chapter stayed untouched for like 2 months 💀💀💀 rip

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