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• sexual content / themes
•  swearing / violent language
•  major themes of depression/anxiety & other mental disorders
    ↳ suicidal thoughts, actions, MINOR self harm (no slicey slicey but indifference to consequences)

the moral of the story is not that someone can love your depression away. i'm not sure if that's possible. the moral i intended this story to have, was that there is someone out there who will not see you how you see yourself. there is someone out there that will stand by you—and wants to stand by you—through it all. who will not try to "fix" you, but rather give you the courage to heal. i wanted to create someone i've always wanted to know, and it happened to be everett. i wanted to write about someone loving me no matter how many bad days i have. no matter how much of a danger i was to myself, no matter how crazy i thought i was. i wanted to share this feeling with people—so we won't stop searching. so we won't be afraid to reach out a hand. so we won't feel guilty when we're tired and someone needs help, because you're doing so much to just stay alive yourself right now.

i wanted to write about someone who saw how much i was hurting, but didn't try to fix me, but rather wait through the storm with me. i wanted to write about someone who would still love the rain. who would still love the bad days, and the good days, and the numb days. someone who would just...exist with me.

- to every person that has always wanted someone to love them inside and out but thinks it's impossible -



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